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ID help please, perhaps young female grosbeak (1 Viewer)


On Monday August 15, 2022 we had this young bird under one of the flat feeders (Quinte West, Ontario, Canada) We took several photos to check out beak, markings, tail etc. We think it might be a young female grosbeak, but not totally sure. We do have grosbeaks, usually males and the odd female, that visit the garden. This one did not have an adult nearby and was enjoying some ground feeding (which was black oil sunflower, some mixed seed, some safflower). Help would be appreciated.

(recently joined so reposting this in the Ontario forum, which I just discovered by exploring the forums)


  • ?bird1a.jpg
    695.5 KB · Views: 7
Thank you, after checking out the song sparrow, from various internet sites and my photo files I'm sure it is the right ID, I do have photos of the song sparrow in my files but the adult ones. I appreciate all the help.
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