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ID Help: Various locations Western USA (1 Viewer)


Fledgling Birder
I would really appreciate your help in IDing the following birds.

The first picture was taken in Kolob Canyon (Zion National Park). It was close to a Western Scub-Jay, could it be a juvenile or is it something completely different.

The second was taken in Rocky Mountain National Park, is it a Hairy Woodpecker?

The third, again taken in Rocky Mountain National Park, I thought was a Red-naped Sapsucker (on another shot I can clearly see the red-nape) but it's chest is very white, is this normal?

Number 4 was taken near Devil's Tower, Wyoming. Is it a female Downy Woodpecker?

Number 5 also taken near Devil's Tower - Is it a White-breasted Nuthatch? The colours on its back doesn't look quite right to me.


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More help please...

The next two are two shots of the same bird (Plover?) taken in Custer State Park South Dakota. I don't know which Plover.

Again in Custer State Park the shot on the reeds, a type of Sparrow?

I believe the next one is a Yellow-Rumped Warbler, am I correct? This one was taken in Yellowstone National Park.

The final one of this batch again taken in Yellowstone NP, looks like a Williamson's Sapsucker, but the belly doesn't look yellow though.


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And more...

The next one call it shot 11 was taken in Yellowstone National Park (as were all the rest in this section. I don't know what this one is.

The next I believe to be Dark-eyed Junco, pink-sided mearnsi

The Finch, is it a Cassin's or a Common Rosefinch?

The final one, I thought was a Flicker, possibly Northern, but it lacks the marking at the side of its face.


  • 60-Yellowstone.gif
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I would really appreciate your help in IDing the following birds.

The first picture was taken in Kolob Canyon (Zion National Park). It was close to a Western Scub-Jay, could it be a juvenile or is it something completely different.

The second was taken in Rocky Mountain National Park, is it a Hairy Woodpecker?

The third, again taken in Rocky Mountain National Park, I thought was a Red-naped Sapsucker (on another shot I can clearly see the red-nape) but it's chest is very white, is this normal?

Number 4 was taken near Devil's Tower, Wyoming. Is it a female Downy Woodpecker?

Number 5 also taken near Devil's Tower - Is it a White-breasted Nuthatch? The colours on its back doesn't look quite right to me.

1, Western Scrub Jay (dull inland form)
2. Hairy Woodpecker
3. Red-naped Sapsucker (white breast normal)
4. Downy Woodpecker
5. White-breasted Nuthatch
The next two are two shots of the same bird (Plover?) taken in Custer State Park South Dakota. I don't know which Plover.

Again in Custer State Park the shot on the reeds, a type of Sparrow?

I believe the next one is a Yellow-Rumped Warbler, am I correct? This one was taken in Yellowstone National Park.

The final one of this batch again taken in Yellowstone NP, looks like a Williamson's Sapsucker, but the belly doesn't look yellow though.

1.-2. Killdeer
3. YR Warbler
4. Red-winged Blackbird
5. Williamson's Sapsucker
The next one call it shot 11 was taken in Yellowstone National Park (as were all the rest in this section. I don't know what this one is.

The next I believe to be Dark-eyed Junco, pink-sided mearnsi

The Finch, is it a Cassin's or a Common Rosefinch?

The final one, I thought was a Flicker, possibly Northern, but it lacks the marking at the side of its face.

1. Clark's Nutcracker
2. Dark-eyed Junco
3. Cassin's Finch
4. Northern Flicker (female)
Excellent! Thank you for your help.

I'm starting to get better at this!!!

The Red-winged Blackbird really foxed me, didn't think to look at the immature sketches!
Nice picture of the yellow-rumped warbler, they're so dissimilar to the ones here I wouldn't have guessed it!
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