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Is there a bird? (1 Viewer)

Interesting picture imo. Tfs!

I looked at it yesterday and my thoughts are
  • ‚Ich seh den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht‘ its an german proverb, I just learned that there is the same in English. Thanks google!
  • At first, I thought, no there isn’t a bird, but I am confident, that isn’t a possible answer here.
  • I see what might be the head of a Long tailed Tit at the bottom right corner. But It doesn’t look like the real deal to me, is it the size? Don’t know. but I can’t loose the feeling, that this is some ‘face on mars’ answer.
I'll give you a hint:

The bird (yes, there indeed is one!) is not a species that one would first associate to snowy background, nevertheless it has perfect camouflage for it (obviously if no one can find it...).

Regards, Juhani
Amazing really. Hope it was ok. 11th May (not 5th Nov?). Whereabouts in Finland was it?
I'm sure it did survive; we just had snowfall that spring at the time many insectivore had already arrived here at central Finland. Snow did last just for one morning until it melted away so it was not so severe and in fact, it is not that uncommon to happen even here in the central parts of our country.

Regards, Juhani

PS. Oh the prize...Well, as I thought this would be too easy and someone could spot the flycather right away, you achieved infinite amount of glory and respect!!! Fair enough?😄
I'm sure it did survive; we just had snowfall that spring at the time many insectivore had already arrived here at central Finland. Snow did last just for one morning until it melted away so it was not so severe and in fact, it is not that uncommon to happen even here in the central parts of our country.

Regards, Juhani

PS. Oh the prize...Well, as I thought this would be too easy and someone could spot the flycather right away, you achieved infinite amount of glory and respect!!! Fair enough?😄
Yes that sounds like a great prize, eternal fame!
Amazing birds, and a cracking pic. Really need to visit Finland again! :)
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