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Isle Of Mull (1 Viewer)

Sandra (Taylor)

Well-known member
Setting off on Friday for a week on Mull. Staying overnight near Fort William (at Onich) and going on the Corran ferry then the Lochaline ferry on Saturday. We know the island pretty well but would appreciate any interesting additional information. Are we likely to see much on the drive to Lochaline? We haven't in the past, but maybe haven't been looking in the right direction. We will be armed with the publication about Birds of Mull.

On Mull we have a s/c cottage on the Gruline estate near Loch Ba so are well placed to cover the whole island in the week. We like to visit the eerie standing stones above Dervaig in the forest - always a delight. We've never found the ones that are situated further in the woods.

Will be happy to hear from anyone who can help to make this another fulfilling holiday.

Hi Sandra

You've two choices of road coming off the ferry.

1: via Strontian. Depends how much time you have, of course (and the state of the tide) but as you reach Loch Sunart check out the marshy area, there may be some waders there. There's a few parking bays.

Just before you really start climbing up the hill there's a little road to Leodale. Drive slowly along there and there's a chance for Otter, Goldies and Sea Eagles. (PM me for more detail on this if you want)

2: The B8043 along the west side of Loch Linnhe. Again Otters, possible Divers, Black Guillemot etc. Also Ravens on the cliffs.

If you haven't taken that road before it's worth it anyway, a lovely run.


Hi Sandra,

Have a great trip and keep your eyes peeled - you never know what you might see. Me for instance. We're off to Ardnamurchan for a couple of weeks staying in Strontian but I'm sure that there will be at least a couple of trips to Mull. If you see anything half decent, nail it down till we get there!

Best wishes,

We had Peregrine and WTSE from the viewpoint above Dervaig earlier this year, Dervaig is also a good spot to see Otters. Re the standing stones - it beats me how they were ever allowed to plant the connifers around them, if it wasn't for the fact they are marked on the OS map I never would have known they were there. It was our first visit to Mull we enjoyed it so much we have booked again for next year. Have a great time.
Yes Johnny - you're right about the trees although I do think they add to the atmospheric feel of the place. Did you see the stones built into a wall at the bottom of the road past the car park viewing area? And some were in people's gardens.

Gordon - hope to run into you - well, not literally! I think I know what you look like..........................

Hi Sandra,

We are also off to Mull next week - it sounds as if the whole world are going
Will be interseted in some of the replies you get.I was going to ask roughley the same questions.

Yes Johnny - you're right about the trees although I do think they add to the atmospheric feel of the place. Did you see the stones built into a wall at the bottom of the road past the car park viewing area? And some were in people's gardens.

Gordon - hope to run into you - well, not literally! I think I know what you look like..........................

I must have missed the stones in the wall, will have a look for them when I'm there next time.
Had a super holiday - hope you do too Brian. Saw WTEs & otters which were our targets. It had got to Wednesday though without seeing an eagle so panic set in - but not for long. Will be posting a report on the Forum when I get round to typing it!

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