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Isle of Wight Holiday (1 Viewer)


Improving Birder

Anyone got any good locations/fairly rare residents in Isle of Wight? I'm new to birding so any ticks appreciated, even if its whats normally considered fairly common.

I heard someone say there was an albino blackbird that an old lady will call out of a tree for you? Is someone just having a laugh or has anyone else heard of it?

Any help appreciated.


Try to visit the Brading/Bembridge area and Newton Marsh for Mediterranean Gull, waders etc also the obligatory visit to The Needles can produce Peregrine + Raven on top of scenery.

Try the wightvogels website for more information and other links.

And remember if you are in woodland look out for Red Squirrels no greys over there (or Nuthatchs either).
ChrisLuv said:

Anyone got any good locations/fairly rare residents in Isle of Wight? I'm new to birding so any ticks appreciated, even if its whats normally considered fairly common.

I heard someone say there was an albino blackbird that an old lady will call out of a tree for you? Is someone just having a laugh or has anyone else heard of it?

Any help appreciated.


You might want to try these two websites one of which has already been mentioned


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