The authors of that note were subsequently found to be completely wrong on the flight characteristics of large Campephilus woodpeckers. Also independent analysis of the video subsequent to the Science paper and science notes completely refuted and rejected the skeptic's notes or various points.The Luneau video has been discussed here:
Ivory-billed Woodpecker – Sibley Guides
Embarrassingly Sibley had left out the woodpecker from his field guides. Sibley and Bevier exhibited an almost (I believe in redemption) unforgivable error when they predicted an Ivory-Bill woodpecker would flap slower than a Pileated.
This has been proven to be wrong in many ways and by many people including the world renowned flight characteristic expert and other experts. These scientists are well published in the field. None of the science note authors had been pre-published in the pertinent subjects.
Their points were disputed by some phds with pertinent experience in flight characteristics and by others who knew video artifacts.
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