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January 1st joint Birdforum list (2025 edition) (1 Viewer)

Easy to do - we already had it from Turkey, but that list isn't for the European bit of Turkey.

It's under C for Common.

You asked earlier about a Redstart. I don't know about Spain specifically, but Black does seem a lot more likely than Common, and we've had Black reported several other times so it's probably best that we don't laim Common Redstart. The ID ought to be confident in order to claim it, so if there's doubt it's best not to.
Sorry about the raven, another senior moment! Agree that the Redstart should be Black Redstart.
I can add three species from Western Oregon:
Acorn Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
The last is odd, because I failed to list a Red-breasted Sapsucker, though they live in my yard all year, but there's a vagrant Sapsucker from the eastern US spending the winter in the ash trees along the creek. Two photos attached are from the 1st, but the sapsucker photo is from December.


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Should now be up to date with everyone who posted before Jos. Jack Snipe was number 640, which makes it kind of remarkable that Rose-ringed Parakeet doesn't seem to have been reported until number 639!

Edit to add: Jos has been added to the USA tab on the spreadsheet but I haven't yet gone through to work out which ones were new for the world and which had been picked up already elsewhere.
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Here's the current list for Team USA, which I think is 186:

Abert's Towhee
Acorn Woodpecker
Allen’s Hummingbird
American Avocet
American Black Duck
American Bushtit
American Coot
American Crow
American Goldfinch
American Herring Gull
American Kestrel
American Pipit
American Robin
American Tree Sparrow
American White Pelican
American Wigeon
Anna's Hummingbird
Bald Eagle
Band-tailed Pigeon
Barn Swallow
Barrow's Goldeneye
Belted Kingfisher
Bewick’s Wren
Black Phoebe
Black Scoter
Black Vulture
Black-bellied Plover
Black-capped Chickadee
Black-necked Stilt
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher
Black-throated Sparrow
Blue Jay
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Blue-winged Teal
Bonaparte's Gull
Brewer's Blackbird
Brewer's Sparrow
Brown Creeper
Brown-headed Cowbird
Burrowing Owl
Cackling Goose
Cactus Wren
California Gull
California Scrub Jay
California Towhee
Canada Goose
Carolina Chickadee
Carolina Wren
Caspian Tern
Cassin’s Kingbird
Chestnut backed Chickadee
Chipping Sparrow
Cinnamon Teal
Common Gallinule
Common Goldeneye
Common Merganser
Common Raven
Cooper's Hawk
Crissal Thrasher
Curve-billed Thrasher
Dark-eyed Junco
Double crested Cormorant
Downy Woodpecker
Eared Grebe
Eastern Bluebird
Eurasian Collared Dove
Eurasian Wigeon
European Starling
Fish Crow
Fox Sparrow
Gambel's Quail
Gila Woodpecker
Gilded Flicker
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Gray Flycatcher
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Great Horned Owl
Great-tailed Grackle
Greater Roadrunner
Greater Scaup
Greater White-fronted Goose
Greater Yellowlegs
Green-winged Teal
Hairy Woodpecker
Harlequin Duck
Harris's Hawk
Hermit Thrush
Hooded Merganser
Horned Grebe
Horned Lark
House Finch
House Sparrow
Iceland Gull
Inca Dove
Ladder-backed Woodpecker
Lark Sparrow
Least Sandpiper
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Lesser Goldfinch
Lesser Scaup
Lincoln's Sparrow
Loggerhead Shrike
Long-billed Curlew
Long-billed Dowitcher
Marsh Wren
Mexican Duck
Mountain Bluebird
Mourning Dove
Mute Swan
Northern Cardinal
Northern Flicker
Northern Harrier
Northern Mockingbird
Northern Pintail
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Northern Shoveler
Nuttall’s Woodpecker
Orange-crowned Warbler
Pelagic Cormorant
Pied-billed Grebe
Pileated Woodpecker
Pine Siskin
Pine Warbler
Prairie Falcon
Red breasted Nuthatch
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Red-breasted Merganser
Red-naped Sapsucker
Red-shouldered Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Red-winged Blackbird
Ring-billed Gull
Ring-necked Duck
Rock Pigeon / Rock Dove
Ross's Goose
Rough-legged Hawk
Ruby crowned Kinglet
Ruddy Duck
Sage Thrasher
Sandhill Crane
Say's Phoebe
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Snow Goose
Snowy Egret
Snowy Owl
Snowy Plover
Song Sparrow
Spotted Sandpiper
Spotted Towhee
Stellar's Jay
Surf Scoter
Townsend's Warbler
Tree Swallow
Tufted Titmouse
Tundra Swan
Turkey Vulture
Vermilion Flycatcher
Vesper Sparrow
Western Bluebird
Western Cattle Egret
Western Meadowlark
Western Sandpiper
White-breasted Nuthatch
White-collared Swift
White-crowned Sparrow
White-faced Ibis
White-throated Sparrow
White-winged Dove
Wild Turkey
Wilson's Snipe
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Yellow-rumped Warbler

Outside of Europe the chances of me noticing two entries for the same species under different names get worse, so please do point out any errors.
Here are the 87 for Team Australia:

Australasian Figbird
Australasian Gannet
Australasian Swamphen
Australian Golden Whistler
Australian Magpie
Australian Pelican
Australian Reed Warbler
Australian White Ibis
Black Swan
Black-faced Cuckooshrike
Black-shouldered Kite
Brown Falcon
Brown Thornbill
Cape Gannet
Channel-billed Cuckoo
Chestnut Teal
Common Blackbird
Common Bronzewing
Common Myna
Common Starling
Crested Pigeon
Crested Tern (aka Greater Crested Tern)
Crimson Rosella
Dusky Moorhen
Eastern Rosella
Eastern Yellow-robin
Eurasian Coot
Eurasian Skylark
European Goldfinch
Fairy Martin
Golden-headed Cisticola
Great Cormorant
Grey Butcherbird
Grey Currawong
Grey Fantail
Grey Teal
Hoary-headed Grebe
House Sparrow
Kelp Gull
Laughing Kookaburra
Little Black Cormorant
Little Corella
Little Eagle
Little Egret
Little Grass-bird
Little Pied Cormorant
Little Raven
Little Wattlebird
Long-Billed Corella
Maned Duck
Masked Lapwing
Musk Lorikeet
Nankeen Kestrel
New Holland Honeyeater
Noisy Miner
Pacific Black Duck
Pacific Gull
Pacific Koel
Pied Currawong
Pied Stilt
Rainbow Lorikeet
Red Wattlebird
Red-browed Finch
Red-Rumped Parrot
Rock Dove
Rufous Bristlebird
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Short-tailed Shearwater
Silver Gull
Singing Honeyeater
Spotted Dove
Straw-necked Ibis
Striated Fieldwren
Striated Pardalote
Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo
Superb Fairywren
Tree Martin
Welcome Swallow
Whiskered Tern
White-browed Scrubwren
White-Faced Heron
White-plumed Honeyeater
Willie Wagtail
Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo
And 181 for East Asia:

Ashy Woodswallow
Asian Barred Owlet
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Asian Fairy-bluebird
Asian Green Bee-eater
Asian Koel
Asian Openbill
Asian Stubtail
Azure-winged Magpie
Bay Woodpecker
Baya Weaver
Black Drongo
Black Kite
Black-browed Reed Warbler
Black-collared Starling
Black-crested Bulbul
Black-crowned Night Heron
Black-faced Spoonbill
Black-hooded Oriole
Black-naped Monarch
Black-throated Laughingthrush
Black-winged Stilt
Blue Rock Thrush
Blue Whistling Thrush
Blue-tailed bee-eater
Blue-winged Leafbird
Brahminy kite
Brown Shrike
Brown-cheeked Fulvetta
Chestnut Bulbul
Chestnut-tailed Starling
Chinese Bamboo-Partridge
Chinese Hwamei
Chinese Penduline Tit
Chinese Pond Heron
Cinereous Tit
Citrine Wagtail
Collared Crow
Collared Dove
Common Greenshank
Common Myna
Common Sandpiper
Common Tailorbird
Coppersmith Barbet
Crested Myna
Daurian Redstart
Dusky Warbler
Eastern Buzzard
Eastern Cattle Egret
Eastern Crowned Warbler
Eastern Jungle Crow
Eastern Red-rumped Swallow
Eastern Spot-billed Duck
Eastern Yellow Wagtail
Eurasian Coot
Eurasian Spoonbill
Eurasian Teal
Eurasian Wigeon
Eurasian Woodcock
Falcated Duck
Fork-tailed Sunbird
Golden-fronted Leafbird
Great Barbet
Great Cormorant
Great Myna
Great White Egret
Greater Coucal
Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush
Greater Spotted Eagle
Green Sandpiper
Grey Heron
Grey Plover
Grey Wagtail
Grey-backed Thrush
Grey-chinned Minivet
Grey-eyed Bulbul
Grey-headed Lapwing
Hair-crested Drongo
Hill Blue Flycatcher
House crow
House Swift
Indian White-eye
Indochinese Green Magpie
Indochinese Yuhina
Japanese Thrush
Javan myna
Large-billed Crow
Light-vented Bulbul
Lineated Barbet
Little Bunting
Little Egret
Little Grebe
Little Ringed Plover
Little Spiderhunter
Long-tailed Shrike
Manchurian Bush Warbler
Martens's Warbler
Masked Laughingthrush
Medium Egret
Mountain Tailorbird
Northern Pintail
Northern Shoveler
Olive-backed Pipit
Olive-backed sunbird
Oriental Magpie-Robin
Oriental Stork
Oriental Turtle Dove
Ornate Sunbird
Pacific swallow
Pacific swift
Paddyfield Pipit
Pallas's Leaf Warbler
Peregrine (ssp ernesti)
Pied Avocet
Pied Bush Chat
Pied Harrier
Pied Kingfisher
Pied Wagtail
Pin-striped Tit-Babbler
Pintail Snipe
Plain Flowerpecker
Plain Prinia
Puff-throated Bulbul
Purple Heron
Purple Sunbird
Red Collared Dove
Red-billed Blue Magpie
Red-billed Starling
Red-throated Pipit
Red-whiskered Bulbul
Richard's Pipit
Rock Dove
Rufescent Prinia
Rufous-capped Babbler
Rufous-tailed Robin
Russet Bush Warbler
Scaly-breasted Munia
Scarlet Minivet
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
Siamese Pied Myna
Siberian Pipit (=Buff-bellied)
Siberian Rubythroat
Sooty-headed Bulbul
Spotted Dove
Spotted Redshank
Stejneger's Stonechat
Streak-breasted Scimitar-babbler
Streak-eared Bulbul
Streaked Wren-Babbler
Striated heron
Swinhoe's White-eye
Taiga Flycatcher
Tree Sparrow
Tristram's Bunting
Tufted Duck
Two-barred Warbler
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
Verditer Flycatcher
White-bellied sea eagle
White-breasted Waterhen
White-cheeked Starling
White-headed Bulbul
White-shouldered Starling
White-throated Kingfisher
Wood Sandpiper
Yellow Bittern
Yellow-bellied Prinia
Yellow-billed Grosbeak
Yellow-browed Warbler
Yellow-vented bulbul
Zebra Dove
Zitting Cisticola

Almost done with the World list, then there's just the small matter of combining the 2 European lists to get a continent-wide one. The other tabs that have data (South & Central America and Turkey) are all individual posters so no need for any fun with spreadsheets for them.
I can add three species from Western Oregon:
Acorn Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
The last is odd, because I failed to list a Red-breasted Sapsucker, though they live in my yard all year, but there's a vagrant Sapsucker from the eastern US spending the winter in the ash trees along the creek. Two photos attached are from the 1st, but the sapsucker photo is from December.
Acorn Woodpecker was bird number 700.
Combined European list, 186 (this is usually a hotbed of double-counting due to the UK's refusal to use IOC names):

Atlantic Canary
Atlantic Puffin
Balearic Shearwater
Bar-tailed Godwit
Barnacle Goose
Bewick's Swan
Black Kite
Black Redstart
Black Woodpecker
Black-headed Gull
Black-legged Kittiwake
Black-necked Grebe
Black-tailed Godwit
Black-throated Diver/Loon
Blue Rock Thrush
Blue Tit
Bohemian Waxwing
Brant Goose / Brent Goose
Canada Goose
Canary Island Chiffchaff
Carrion Crow
Cetti's Warbler
Cirl Bunting
Coal Tit
Common Chiffchaff
Common Crane
Common Firecrest
Common Goldeneye
Common Gull
Common Kingfisher
Common Loon / Great Northern Diver
Common Magpie
Common Merganser (Goosander)
Common Moorhen
Common Murre (Guillemot)
Common Pochard
Common Raven
Common Redshank
Common Reed Bunting
Common Ringed Plover
Common Scoter
Common Shelduck
Common Snipe
Common Starling
Common Waxbill
Common Wood Pigeon
Corn Bunting
Crag Martin
Crested Tit
Dartford Warbler
Egyptian Goose
Eurasian Blackcap
Eurasian Bullfinch
Eurasian Collared Dove
Eurasian Coot
Eurasian Curlew
Eurasian Goldfinch
Eurasian Nuthatch
Eurasian Oystercatcher
Eurasian Siskin
Eurasian Skylark
Eurasian Teal
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Eurasian Wigeon
Eurasian Woodcock
Eurasian Wren
European Golden Plover
European Greenfinch
European Herring Gull
European Shag
Feral Pigeon
Glaucous Gull
Glossy Ibis
Graylag Goose
Great Black-backed Gull
Great Cormorant
Great Crested Grebe
Great Egret
Great Grey Shrike
Great Skua
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Tit
Greater White-fronted Goose
Green Sandpiper
Green Woodpecker
Grey Heron
Grey Partridge
Grey Plover
Grey Wagtail
Greylag goose
Hen Harrier
Hooded Crow
House Sparrow
Iberian Magpie
Italian Sparrow
Jack Snipe
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Little Egret
Little Grebe
Little Owl
Long-eared Owl
Long-tailed Tit
Manx Shearwater
Marsh Harrier
Marsh Tit
Meadow Pipit
Mediterranean Gull
Mistle Thrush
Mute Swan
Northern Fulmar
Northern Gannet
Northern Lapwing
Northern Pintail
Northern Shoveler
Pied Avocet
Pink-footed Goose
Purple Sandpiper
Red Kite
Red Knot
Red-billed Chough
Red-breasted Merganser
Red-legged Partridge
Red-throated Diver
Ring-necked Pheasant
Rock Pipit
Rose-ringed Parakeet
Ruddy Shelduck
Ruddy Turnstone
Sardinian Warbler
Short-toed Treecreeper
Slavonian Grebe
Song Thrush
Sooty Shearwater
Spanish Sparrow
Spectacled Warbler
Spotless Starling
Stock dove
Thekla’s Lark
Tufted Duck
Velvet Scoter
Water Pipit
Water Rail
Western Barn Owl
Western Cattle Egret
Western Jackdaw
White Wagtail
White-throated Dipper
Whooper Swan
Willow Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Yellow-legged Gull
Zitting Cisticola
My Willow Tit is missing (100 on R of Europe list and 340 on World List)!
Fixed. Not sure how that happened. Possibly I had a senior moment while removing the duplicates and treated it as a duplicate of Willow Warbler.
Greylag Goose is also down as Graylag Goose. Please chuck the right one out.

Fixed. The one with the IOC-standard spelling ha been retained.
IOC splits Yellow-rumped Warbler. I found Audubon's Warbler in Oregon on the 1st. Is the one from Southern California Myrtle, by chance?
As I understand it Audubon's is more likely that Myrtle in California, so I've provisionally changed it to Audubon's on the list, unless @CPP Gardener or @Jos Stratford can correct me on that.
Fixed. Not sure how that happened. Possibly I had a senior moment while removing the duplicates and treated it as a duplicate of Willow Warbler.

Fixed. The one with the IOC-standard spelling ha been retained.

As I understand it Audubon's is more likely that Myrtle in California, so I've provisionally changed it to Audubon's on the list, unless @CPP Gardener or @Jos Stratford can correct me on that.
Audubon's and Myrtle in California, lots of eastern stuff also turns up in California in winter.

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