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Jersey (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
United Kingdom
Going for 4 days to Jersey, anyone know of any good spots for photographing birds or insects if I get the chance.
Thanks !
Hi Kris

Done about 4 trips to Jersey its a great place for a holiday.

Never done much birding there but there is a nature reserve on the west coast St Ouen. Try a search on Jersey I am sure that on one of the sites we looked at about a year ago it gave info or the Jersey bird recorder with phone number sorry can't remember the sites address.

Hope this is of use

There are quite a few good sites in Jersey including the mentioned St Ouens Pond whihc has a hard to find hide, I didn't use the hide though as you can't get a tripod in it. Also some other spots like all the coasts for seawatching depending on the wind direction, Portelet Common and Grouville Marsh. There really many sites and if you have time order a booklet called 'Important Sites For Birds In The Channel Islands' ISBN 0-9518075-7-9. If you have little time then get a Perry's Map when you are there and most of the sites/reserves should be pictured with a duck symbol.
Thanks for your posts, I will be quite close to St Ouens so that will be a definate place to go. I always carry a small beanbag in my rucksack adds to the weight but comes in very handy at times.
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