Björn Bergenholtz
(former alias "Calalp")

And by the way; something might, could be (all) wrong with latter Journal regarding the volumes/issues wanted!?
Revista Forestal Baracoa, vol. 1 was published in 1971 (onwards supposedly with 2 issues per year), and note that the same Author wrote:
Regalado Ruiz, P. 1975. Primer hallazgo de Speotyto cunicularia (Molina) criando en Cuba. Revista Forestal Baracoa 5 (l-2):36-56.
On top of that I think we, someone, maybe (hopefully!) can find "Melanerpes superciliosus rosamariae" in:
Nova series? New series?
If we find either one of them we might also find the "p. 36?" still missing!
Revista Forestal Baracoa, vol. 1 was published in 1971 (onwards supposedly with 2 issues per year), and note that the same Author wrote:
Regalado Ruiz, P. 1975. Primer hallazgo de Speotyto cunicularia (Molina) criando en Cuba. Revista Forestal Baracoa 5 (l-2):36-56.
On top of that I think we, someone, maybe (hopefully!) can find "Melanerpes superciliosus rosamariae" in:
The artikel in Revista Foresal Baracoa, 1977 (Jan-Jun.), p.37-40, looks like it´s only a summary of the latter. [It´s also cited as: Regalado Ruíz, P. (1977) Nueva subespecie de Contopus caribaeus (Aves) para Cuba. Rev. Forestal Nos. 1–2: 37–40.]Reagalado Ruiz, P. 1977. "Nueva subespecie de Contopus caribaeus (Aves) para Cuba. (in Spanish) [New subspecies of Contopus caribaeus (Aves) from Cuba]. Instituto de Desarollo y Aprovechamiento Forestales, La Habana Cuba.
Nova series? New series?
If we find either one of them we might also find the "p. 36?" still missing!