I use the Merlin app every morning for 10 mins while out with the dog in the backyard. It's shown a Red Shouldered Hawk at least a dozen times in the last couple of months, but I heard about Merlin mistaking them for Bluejays, so I just figured that's what it was.
Looking out my window today, I see this beauty perched on my fence. I immediate chalked it up as the Red Shouldered that Merlin indicated, but when I went to read more I've found I'm not certain that's what it is. (Cooper's?) I see that quite a few juvenile hawks look very similar, so hoping I could get some help.

Looking out my window today, I see this beauty perched on my fence. I immediate chalked it up as the Red Shouldered that Merlin indicated, but when I went to read more I've found I'm not certain that's what it is. (Cooper's?) I see that quite a few juvenile hawks look very similar, so hoping I could get some help.