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Kenya bee-eater verification (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Please look at the post just before this one and the reply from Andy Hurley as we try to verify his question. I attach my original pic from that post and another old slide which I think is Little bee-eater. Any help gratefully appreciated


  • P1090933.JPG
    970.7 KB · Views: 11
  • Bee-eater, Little 'meridionalis'.JPG
    Bee-eater, Little 'meridionalis'.JPG
    75.5 KB · Views: 11
Do not try to identify ssp in the field, just go by geographical area;
valid ssp here https://www.worldbirdnames.org/new/bow/
I would tend to disagree. If a bird cannot be identified to subspecies by field marks (whether in the field or using photos afterwards) then it is best left as identified only to species. Otherwise you are running the risk of circular thinking (I was there so the birds belongs to this subspecies - and I am using this image to determine what the subspecies looks like). There are examples where it does not matter and others where the ranges of subspecies are poorly known and where going by poor range descriptions in whatever resource is risking to confuse the issue even further.

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