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Konica Minolta Dimage A200 (1 Viewer)


Anyone using this camera?
I need some advice on what kind of lens I need for better bird photography.
I was advised to get at least a 500mm lens, but when I look online for one to fit this camera, there aren't any?
Helllllllllllllllp!!! I'm not very technically minded, but I would like to get better shots from further away.
Primarily I bought the camera for it's macro capabilities when I need to get good shots of bats, but I also need the distance for birds.
Any help given, I would be extremely grateful
Jo |:D|
Lenses for A200

Hello Willowy1
I sometimes use my Minolta D7i, which is an earlier version of the A200 family. I bought a Raynox DCR 2020Pro. Which multiplies the Minolta lense by a factor of 2.2. This gives the camera a 440mm equivalent lense. And it is very good quality.

There is slight vignetting, but for trying to photograph birds or distant objects its fine. For scnery its no use.

Dont buy the cheaper 'video' version, it is not the same quality.
Hi Willowy

I use that exact camera for all of my photography. I use it in conjunction with a Scopetronix Maxview 40 and a special adapter Scopetronix makes for it. Then I attach it to a Meade ETX 90 Spotting Scope. You can look at my gallery to see the results. I don't get DSLR results, but for a fraction of the cost I call it my poor mans DSLR. Anyway, I hope this helps. The A200 is a great camera, and if you get your settings right it can be a good digiscoping camera. The lens is a little wide (49mm), but it can work! Best of luck!

Minolta used to produce some very fine optics. My friend has bought a 10X25 BinocularWR (Roof Prism) for under $200Canadian. The angle of view is a great 6.5 degree. It is bright, sharp and light! I tried to find one, but can only get the 8X25 WR for under $150. Still better than all others I have tried at that price range. It has 6.2 degrees of view. Pity that Minolta has discontinued its optical business.
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