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[Korea, Jeju Island] Taiga vs Tundra Bean Goose (1 Viewer)

Hello! I snapped some shots of 2 Bean Geese flying overhead on Jeju Island on October 9th. I've read up on differences between Tundra and Taiga Bean Geese, and it seems like the main diagnostic features are bill length and the degree of orange on the bill. However, I'm not sure if my photos have enough information to make a definitive call. The bills seem fairly long, suggesting Taiga, but I'd love to hear some other opinions! Thanks as always!


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The head shape, reminiscent of a Whooper Swan, suggests Middendorff's (Taiga) Bean Goose to me. Could be wrong though, but I've read up on this form in the unlikely event of one turning up in the UK. I don't think you need consider Tundra.
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