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Lancashire Bird ID - Dead (1 Viewer)

I was hoping that it could be but when I zoomed in.....we had a g w egret a first for our patch but it was chased around by 3 herons
now they can be zoomed in on


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I am hoping it is a pike ...anything but a great white egret.....except any other rarer birds in the uk or globally..of course....it looks slimy than feathery but that could be the waters effect.....one sde looked grey spotty other white...it could look spotty dirty because of the mud etc.....

also if you look at the eye......there appears no long neck unless it folded..........this was our first great egret egret record for our borough.... lets hope it did not end like this!

The last photo on post 4 appears to be showing white spots on a grey background. Pike?
Seawatching at Blackpool a few weeks back and was watching a similar lump in the water and it turned out to be a human body. It was weird ringing the police as I didn't want to look an idiot but then was hoping to be proved wrong. I wasn't
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