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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Latest Lynx releases (1 Viewer)

Publication Date: 14/09/2021
ISBN: 978-0-00-829365-9
'Thank you very much for ordering from Speedyhen. We are pleased to inform you that your purchase has now been dispatched and should be with you shortly.'

I can assure you it's in the mail and on it's way!
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My 'Seabirds' arrived direct from Lynx today. Initial thoughts are very positive but including Titicaca Grebe (a flightless species limited to two high altitude lakes in Bolivia/Peru) seems odd to say the least.

My 'Seabirds' arrived direct from Lynx today. Initial thoughts are very positive but including Titicaca Grebe (a flightless species limited to two high altitude lakes in Bolivia/Peru) seems odd to say the least.

You can say the same about Atitlan and Junin Grebes, the former here, not included in the 2nd edition due to it now being extinct.
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