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Leica 20-60x zoom lens (1 Viewer)

Gaz Shilton

Well-known member
United Kingdom
Debating whether to purchase a zoom lens for my APO 77. Can anyone give me an honest opinion to this question. Bought the scope with a 32x :h?:
Well worth buying - but you'll still find plenty of occasions when you put the 32x back on as the zoom has a far narrower field of view. Surprisingly bright and sharp, though - a lovely piece of optics and engineering.
scampo said:
Well worth buying - but you'll still find plenty of occasions when you put the 32x back on as the zoom has a far narrower field of view. Surprisingly bright and sharp, though - a lovely piece of optics and engineering.
Thanx v.much for that.Now just need to convince the wife!!! :frog:
scampo said:
Well worth buying - but you'll still find plenty of occasions when you put the 32x back on as the zoom has a far narrower field of view. Surprisingly bright and sharp, though - a lovely piece of optics and engineering.


M N Reeder said:


Gaz: If it helps to convince your wife with more votes, here is one more: I can only fully agree, as well. I have used the zoom for years, and only recently added a 32x. I still mostly use the zoom, however, because of the greater versatility. It is truly a superb piece of optics. I bought the 32x because I tried to get a somewhat wider field, but I think the possibility to zoom in is more important to me in most cases.

Good luck!

Another vote of confidence in the zoom eyepiece - it is excellent I would not be without it. Worth having a look around too as you can sometimes pick them up cheap... Just looked on warehouseexpress.com and they have a mail order return one for £139 - may be worth looking at.
I have the 32w and the zoom and I use both regularly. The zoom I find particularly useful for digiscoping and it has greater flexibility. But I still use the 32 a lot for "general" birding particularly on days where (because of wind, heat haze etc) high zooming is not practical.

Another vote from me!
Hello Gaz,
I bought my 2nd hand Apo 77 with a 32x lens...and later bought a 20-60 zoom from warehouse express. The 32x has not been out of it's box since!!!
Cheers Dave
It must depend on the kind of birdwatching you do - a good zoom is very useful, but a super wide angle comes into its own like no other when scanning a reservoir, sea watching or watching, say, a flock of finches.
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