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Leica APO-Televid 82W (1 Viewer)


I'm wondering if anyone has information on when the latest iteration of the Televid 82 ("Televid 82W") will be made available? That being asked, I did receive a recent response from Leica that indicated no ETA, unfortunately, so I don't expect anyone reading this to know more information, but I thought it be worth asking.

As a relevant sidebar, currently, the previous 82mm Televid has become extremely difficult to find; in fact, two of the major optics retailers in the U.S. have been backordered/out of stock for months, with one retailer no longer showing the Televid on its website. Retailers, too, cannot provide any information regarding when the 82W will be available.

The timing seems rather unfortunate for Leica given the holiday season, a time when many folks (myself included) are more apt to fork over outrageous sums on expensive glass (and consequently question their sanity).
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No... "W" simply seems to mean angled viewing, so if this is a new product, what's different apart from armor cosmetics? What drew you to a Televid?
No... "W" simply seems to mean angled viewing, so if this is a new product, what's different apart from armor cosmetics? What drew you to a Televid?
I thought I had read somewhere that the Televid "W" will include new coatings, but I I could very well be wrong because I cannot locate the source.

As far as what drew me to Leica, well, I've always "gotten on" with Leica glass - I owned a 77mm APO Televid years ago that I regretted selling. Honestly, I've never had an opportunity to use a Televid 82, but would like to get my hands on one if only to determine if Leica glass still "wows" me. I currently use Swarovski ATX/BTX; however, to my eyes the systems don't offer the same bright, snappy image compared to Leica. I purchased sight unseen based on reputation and the comparitively excellent price I was able to secure. In addition, I much prefer the dual-focus system of Leica (and Kowa and the old Zeiss Diascopes). I find myself constantly fiddling with barrel focus systems, particularly at higher magnifications.
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