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Long-tailed Duck - Toronto this morning (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Dear Members and Bird Watchers!
After two days bird watching in Toronto I could finally get out of the car. It have been raining for two days. Anyway, I walk along the beach at the
Cherry Beach / Clarke Beach Park and I see mallards, but further out on the water there are 16 ducks.

I take a picture and I ID the birds as a Long-tailed Duck. First time ever I see the bird but it was easy to ID as a male and female Long-tailed Duck.

Back at my room and I search for information about the bird and I discover that there is no pictures looking like the bird in front of the male, for sure no female looking like this. I checked internet and my book.

Anyone know what this bird is?

Kind Regards and Happy Birding!


  • 1111.jpg
    44.8 KB · Views: 28
It's a female Long-tailed Duck. They're extremely variable, particularly at this time when they're transitioning into breeding plumage. They often don't look like any illustration, but the shape and basic pattern are still distinctive.
Thank you very much!

I was lucky the male was there and that I have birdforum or I would never have been able to ID this bird. In my book they females are all very light coloured.

Thanks again!

Kind Regards
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