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Looking for somewhere different in the NE (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Dear all,
I normally go to Low Barns, Salthome and Teesmouth. I was wondering if anyone could recommend somewhere different, in the Durham, Northumberland or Teeside area.

I've a five year old who likes being out and about, unless it's 'freezing'. Somewhere with either feeding stations or waterfowl/waders for the bairn to see.

Kind regards
What about Druridge Bay? Hauxley Nature reserve would suit your bairn, with hides and a feeding station.

Read more about the area here: Druridge Bay - BirdForum Opus
We had a great day; thanks for the recommendation.

The cafe was great and it had excellent views of the waterfowl. We saw plenty of wildlife (over 30 different types of bird).

The feeding station at the Skua Hide was excellent, it included two monster rats at the bottom of the hill.

It took us about 3 hours to do the mile walk and the cafe. The bairn loved it.

Thanks once again
Oh I'm so pleased for you. Never easy to really engage a wee one for a day, is it.

Guessing you'll be going back again one day LOL
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