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Lumix DMC-FZ82 (FZ80) (3 Viewers)

Carpathian Ed

Well-known member
Do any of you guys have any experience with the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ82 (FZ80)? I'm looking to upgrade from/replace my Canon SX 412 is (the single worst camera I have ever owned with the worst autofocus imaginable). I previously had a Canon SX700 Hs which I loved - amazing picture quality and zoom, plus it fit my lifestyle perfectly, but I don't want to go that route again as it had a major design flaw - the lens shutter was too close to the lens and any dust trapped would scratch the lens when it closed or opened.
I have an Olympus micro 3/4 but I keep that for people, snakes, mushrooms, scenery, etc.
I am under budget constraints so i am limited to my choices. Thanks for any help or alternative suggestions
it's not very conclusive though. The only photo that really shows its capabilities is the moon shot, which is a definite improvement on my Canon.
If it had a mic jack I'd be sold but I guess I'll keep looking for a superzoom with an external jack
thanks. It's definitely the best superzoom in its price bracket. But after seeing the photos it's still not great. I know it will never be DSLR quality but I just don't know whether it's worth investing almost 300 on an ungrade to what I already have - although just having a decent autofocus might be worth the cost :)
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