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Madagascar (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Has any one used Madagascar Tour Guide when visiting Madagascar.
I would like to add on Moasala as an independent pre or post tour to an advertised bird tour of Madagascar.
Thank you
Tringbirds, you might find something useful in this thread just down the page a bit: Bird Guides in Madagascar

I did refer to independent visits to Masoala... Any Qs after reading, just ask,
Cheers Andy.
I think I need to get my head around the different aspects of birding in Madagascar.
I have ruled independent solely and am thinking of taking a published tour and adding on some extensions from local providers of whom I have now started to enquire.
thank you
Cheers Andy.
I think I need to get my head around the different aspects of birding in Madagascar.
I have ruled independent solely and am thinking of taking a published tour and adding on some extensions from local providers of whom I have now started to enquire.
thank you

Tringbirds, Have you taken the tour in the meantime? If not, you might still be interested in my report here:

MTG is very flexible, we started our plans from what he had as his standard birding tour, then adapted and changed. If I did the tour again, I would omit Bérenty and instead add the Tsingy area.

I can only highly recommend MTG: Sorry I did not notice your question when it was newly posted. But then, you might have found my report anyway.
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