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Magee Marsh / Crane Creek (1 Viewer)

Steve Arlow

Well-known member
United Kingdom
I have now been back a couple of weeks from a 10 day trip to North West Ohio, with a couple of days in Michigan.

Most of the time was at Magee Marsh which was excellent and can highly recommend it for a trip in May.

I have updated my website with images from this trip and my trip report is also to be found on here; see the bottom of the main Ohio thumbnails page to get a PDF of this. This may be of interest should anyone be planning a future trip.

Hi Steve,
I just joined bird forum and found your post about Magee Marsh. I live near Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore and am hard on the photo/birding hobby these days so your post is "timely" for me. I'm planning my
first trip to Magee Marsh next May so I'll be digging into your notes.

Good Birding

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