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Magor Marsh NR (1 Viewer)


A Welsh birder in Dorset!
This another SSSI in Gwent due to it being the last remnant of fenland on the Gwent levels. It offers a range of wetland habitat therefore a range of wetland birds. These include numerous snipe and jack snipe in the wet meadows, water rail, little egret, teal, gadwall and maybe even a bittern in winter from the hide over looking the pool and reeds.
Reed, sedge and grasshopper warblers are summer visitors in the reeds, along with cetti's warbler which are resident all year. This is also a very good site to see wintering Chiffchaff in Gwent.
This reserve is also good for a variety of rare plants and insects. A Great silver beetle was seen recently in one of the pools adjacent to the board walks.
Currently the reserve is being extended to create new breeding habitat for lapwings which are seen all along the Gwent levels including the Newport Wetlands.
Thanks for the info Luke. ( I go there and Goldclffe sometimes, both good places.
regards Merlin

luke said:
This another SSSI in Gwent due to it being the last remnant of fenland on the Gwent levels. It offers a range of wetland habitat therefore a range of wetland birds. These include numerous snipe and jack snipe in the wet meadows, water rail, little egret, teal, gadwall and maybe even a bittern in winter from the hide over looking the pool and reeds.
Reed, sedge and grasshopper warblers are summer visitors in the reeds, along with cetti's warbler which are resident all year. This is also a very good site to see wintering Chiffchaff in Gwent.
This reserve is also good for a variety of rare plants and insects. A Great silver beetle was seen recently in one of the pools adjacent to the board walks.
Currently the reserve is being extended to create new breeding habitat for lapwings which are seen all along the Gwent levels including the Newport Wetlands.
OK... award goes to to me for 'old thread resurrection!!!' :)

So... I am off to Magor Marsh reserve wit a mate for a few hours tomorrow morning. Does anyone have any up-to-date information on the place...? I have called them up asking if the hide is open - and they advise me that it is.

Read some poor reports of the reserve on the net, not sure what to expect really but will post an update when I get back.
I am off to Magor Marsh reserve wit a mate for a few hours tomorrow morning. Does anyone have any up-to-date information on the place...?

Not very up-to-date, but I found a Night Heron there one spring, I guess in 1984 ish ;) I think it may have gone by now :-O
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I visited Magor Marsh Reserve today with my friend Mark, and we both thoroughly enjoyed the visit. Started out at 10:00 and stayed until 12:30.

The whole reserve is extremely clean and tidy, and is very well laid out, pathways and walks are clearly marked out, together with signs and posts placed at strategic points everywhere allow you to easily navigate the area. You can also walk slightly 'off the beaten track' onto 'hay meadows', through fields, meadows adjacent to reens, and then back onto the marked pathways - altogether a wonderful place to spend a few hours birding.

The hide on the reserve has apparently been subject to recent 'chav' activity, and as such has no seating (they set fire to the last ones) or glass pull down covers over the view points, however there is a decent view from the hide itself over the pond and reeds. I was advised that later in the year they are going to remove some of the reeds right in front of the hide so the view across the pond will always be clear.

Some birds spotted today were;

Goldcrest, Ceti's Warbler, Reed Bunting, Chiffchaff, Wren, Buzzards, Jay, Crow, Coal Tit, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Pheasant, Robin, Coot, Moorhen, Heron (heard bit not seen), Mute Swan.

Here's a few shots taken from the hide;





Well worth a visit.
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