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Mallorca 2013 (1 Viewer)

Hi All

Had this query on the butterflies and moths group and it was suggested that someone on this thread might have more details on clouded yellow species at S'Albufera. I took the attached images at S'Albufera in mid August. Just wondering is it the pale helice form of clouded yellow or is it one of the other species?



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Welcome to Mallorca Martin. I hope you have a successful trip and a relaxing time too. I will be up North soon and will pop in and say hello. Mike
eanin1. There could be nobody better to answer your question than Martin who is on the Island at the moment so I am sure he will respond. mike
cwpbirder. Migration here is a funny thing, it all depends of the weather. Yes, waders are better earlier but there will still be some movements in October. I always like the last week in September and the first week of October, it usually provides the best mix. Passerines are trickling through at the moment, a few Redstarts, Pied flycatchers, a Melodious warbler, a few raptors but these will all intensify as the month progresses. Whatever time you choose I feel sure there will be plenty of action, Mallorca is still seriously underwatched but thanks to the "Big Year" more and more birders are out in the field so this year less will be overlooked. I will post any information on here. mike
Eleven Honey buzzard just through today in Porto Petro, quite early but the north wind helps I guess. Hopefully a sign of things to come! Mike
I have not been birding today but both times I looked at the sky it was full of raptors, 5 Black kites just now to add to the Honey buzzards earlier so goodness knows what has been missed today.
Today at the Cap de Ses Salines: 1 Spectacled warbler, 1 Wryneck, many Turtle Doves and Hoopoes, 5 Northern wheatear and 10 Cory's shearwater. Salobrar de Campos today: 2 Temminck's stint, 14 Ruff, 16 Greenshank, 6 Dunlin, 3 Curlew and now 115 Greater flamingos. Also 1 Greater flamingo at the torrent at Santa Ponça. (All reported by Philip, thanks Phil.)
Hi Sean

Despite Mike´s compliment I´m not the best person for butterflies, being mainly a moth man.

I´m also having difficulty getting access to your images. The pc here doesn´t seem to want to let me enlarge it.

It seems to have the pale spots in the dark terminal band and is a pale whitish colour so ought to be f. helice of the Clouded Yellow, especially as it´s the only species of Colias that occurs here (although one person is supposed to have listed Colias hyale).

Just to say that I´ve never seen f. helice here (though I´ve never been here in August) so I´m guessing that they´re not that common.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes

Portals Nous, beginning of October

Hello everybody!
I'll have a 10 days stay at Portals Nous with my wife in the beginning of October. It's not a birding trip but I was still hoping to find places of particular interest nearby.

The bus schedules I've found online only seems to be for the tourist season and ends September 30. Does anyone know where to find bus schedules for the Autumn and Winter?
Hi SyrinxGC,

Looks as if the autumn/winter timetables will be posted at the end of this month, but i doubt whether there will be any significant changes, as all the routes cover fairly populated areas.
Sounds good.
My last visit was in the Alcudia Bay area and the locals were really frustrated about the bust service outside the tourist season.

Any knowledge about the Portals Nous area and good birding sites?
Cap Ses Salines this morning: 1 Nightjar, 1 Alpine swift, Wheatear and one Balearic shearwater. The expected passage of raptors did not happen! Mike
Thanks Mike and Martin.


Hi Sean

Despite Mike´s compliment I´m not the best person for butterflies, being mainly a moth man.

I´m also having difficulty getting access to your images. The pc here doesn´t seem to want to let me enlarge it.

It seems to have the pale spots in the dark terminal band and is a pale whitish colour so ought to be f. helice of the Clouded Yellow, especially as it´s the only species of Colias that occurs here (although one person is supposed to have listed Colias hyale).

Just to say that I´ve never seen f. helice here (though I´ve never been here in August) so I´m guessing that they´re not that common.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes

Great report Chris, thanks. Nothing too gripping?? Slender-billed gull is extremely rare no matter what the books say, I have never seen one and Phil has only ever seen one in 17years. I am going in the morning for a Pectoral sandpiper and will post. Was the Slender-billed seen with Black-headed near the salt works? Thanks, Mike

Hi Mike, apologies I've only just checked the thread again to see what had turned up after we left! The Slender-billed Gull was with a number (c80?) of Black-headed Gulls, viewed from the road to Es Trenc beach on 31st Aug- there was a lot more action on that side than on Eddie's Track the day I visited with my wife. I checked through the gull flock thinking maybe there'd be a chance of something interesting as that was by far the largest gull gathering I'd run into during the week. I'd have photographed the bird- watched at only c35m range in excellent light for c10 mins and still present when we left- if I'd appreciated the species' scarcity on the island but my camera was already packed away as we were en route to the airport...! Please let me know if I need to submit a description and if so where to send it, I'll be happy to do so.

A few extra birds at s´Albufera today:

A couple of Willow Warblers singing as I emptied the moth trap plus heard a Kingfisher calling as it no doubt flew to the pond area.

A Little Bittern flew across in front of the car as I was re-entering after a swim. It was just by the Mulberry tree before the dog-leg bridge. It showed well for a couple of minutes before dropping into the canal behind.

From Sa Roca hide (old CIM) 4 Curlew Sandpiper, 1 summer plumage Dunlin, 1 eclipse ♂ Garganey, 1 Whinchat and stunning views of Osprey perched on the dead tree, plus all the usuals.


A bit quieter at s´Albufera this evening but still 1 Whinchat, 9 Stone Curlew, 1 Curlew Sand, one Kingfisher, 2 Swallows, several Water Rail and a Glossy Ibis, all from the Sa Roca hide.

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