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Mallorca 2019 (2 Viewers)

61 species at s’Albufera today, mostly the same as mentioned by Kevin, but minus the Swallow sadly! Lovely feel of spring arriving though with the Yellow Wagtails and Little Ringed Plovers. Superb views of Swamphens, Marbled Duck, Red-knobbed Coot and Red-crested Pochard; loads of Avocets, and Mallorcan ticks for me in the form of Kingfisher, Green Sandpiper and Greenshank. Also 3 Glossy Ibises, Great Egret, several Spotted Redshanks, Snipe and Water Pipits and 9 roosting Black-crowned Night Herons. A super day and I can’t wait to be back on the island in April!
Friday, took a trip to Son Real but called in at Llenaire on the way. 5 stone curlew in the usual spot in the first field coming in from the roundabout. Not easy to see unless they make a move, the wild flowers at the back of the field have grown quite a bit in the last 3-4 weeks providing more cover. At Son Real made the circular walk of about 5k to the coast and back. Other than blackcap, yellowhammer, hoopoe and thekla lark the highlight was the group of 6 crossbill, 2 male 4 female, that came down to drink at the small pond next to the hide in the woods. It took them about 15 minutes to gradually come down from the top of the tree but our patience paid off
Saturday, early trip to Albercutx and the Mirador on the Formentor road. Only 1 car there when we arrived. 3 alpine accentors on ground in the viewing area and a solitary raven overhead. Had the disturbing site of seeing a young German nutcase "tightrope walking" along the handrail of the safety barriers with a clear drop of several hundred metres to the sea below!!
Sunday, into the Boquer valley around 9.30am only 4 cars when I arrived but 40+ when I left. It seems a popular day for locals walking to the beach. Other than a solitary raven and a small flock of serin not much about. Did get 2 good separate sightings of single Balearic warblers about 200m apart in the scrub on the slope going down to the beach. Heard at least 2 others calling
Back home again tomorrow
Josep, hello, we met at Depuradora just a few weeks ago after you had been to the doghouse. Yes, a male yellowhammer in the woods at Son Real. I didn't think it was anything special as I see hundreds of them at home. It was fairly close by in a tree near to the drinking pond next to the hide, very yellow especially the head. I don't know what else it could have been. Sorry no photos
Yes, a male yellowhammer in the woods at Son Real. I didn't think it was anything special as I see hundreds of them at home. It was fairly close by in a tree near to the drinking pond next to the hide, very yellow especially the head. I don't know what else it could have been. Sorry no photos
Hello David,
It is a Balearic rarity and it would be interesting if you fullfill a rarity report for the Rarities Committe
A Yellowhammer would be something special. The Cirl Bunting is the replacement on Mallorca, a common bird here, but I don't think I ever saw one in England where they are very local and confined to Devon I think.

I was at Albufera on Friday, it's a shame I didn't go on Thursday, I might have met with David and Kevin. But Gregor, was it you I met in the Sa Roca Hide on Friday in the afternoon? The guy I met there said he was from the Hague. I was fascinated to read your blog and find that you live, or lived in Brisbane because I have a daughter who lives near there, and have visited twice, in 2008 and 2015. You might be interested in some of my photos from there at


The only bird I saw at Albufera not already reported was a Reed Bunting close to the Sa Roca hide. There were at least 10 Marbled Duck. At Cibollar 1 the water level was low, providing good feeding for waders with close views from the hide including many squabbling Kentish Plovers, one Common Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank, Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, a few Dunlin, Little Ringed Plovers and Common Snipe. A Kingfisher flew past, but too quick for a photo.


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Migration is just beginning to warm up with two Common buzzards (not Common at all) going north past the tower, two Sparrowhawk and one Marsh Harrier.
Just enjoying the last few days of Florida. It really has been an amazing adventure with some mind blowing experiences.
I still miss Mallorca though and I know that I will be itching to get back as soon as I leave here.
Checklist of Mallorcan birds

just to remind you that in la Gola we have the checklist of the Mallorcan birds , which is very useful to know the status of our birds.

Hello, after a wonderful first trip to Puerto Pollensa last year, I’m going to be back for a week this spring. One of the species I missed last year was Scops Owl. Does anyone know if there were/ are any near Puerto Pollensa? I checked unsuccessfully the sites mentioned in the Gosney guide.
Anyone in the north might do well to call in at Maristany, Juanjo found Red-rumped swallows and other common hirundines there yesterday.
James22, sorry, I’m not a northerner so I haven’t heard of any reliable sites for Scops owl but if anyone can help, please post here.
Best bird here in Florida I guess has been Swallow-tailed Kite, they are so graceful and a joy to watch soaring above.
See you next week, Mike


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Coming out over for the weekend at the end of March. Never been this early before, normally come a month later. Hoping to see some stuff in the Boquer Valley. Will be watching the thread with anticipation.
Hello, after a wonderful first trip to Puerto Pollensa last year, I’m going to be back for a week this spring. One of the species I missed last year was Scops Owl. Does anyone know if there were/ are any near Puerto Pollensa? I checked unsuccessfully the sites mentioned in the Gosney guide.

Hi James,

Sorry for delay.

Real pain in last few years for Scops Owl in Port de Pollensa.

I had them years ago near the Ses Pines Hotel but most of the pine trees have been cut down.

The main site used to be in grounds of Pollensa Park Hotel and I still have hope.

Christina found one near La Gola car park last year but I dipped on that!

Please let me know if you are successful

James- if you look back at my reports from Port de Pollenca in 2017 you will see that the main problem for the formerly reliable site at the Pollensa Park Hotel area has been the decision of the management of the Pollentia Hotel to block up the vents on the rear of the Hotel which were a nest site for Scops Owls for a number of years. Before this happened the site was pretty reliable but since then nothing. I was last at the Pollensa Park in 2017 and have no prospect of returning until next year, so I am not really up to date, but what I used to do was to walk around the streets of Port de Pollenca and listen for calls- there have been reports in the past from the Guardia Civil area, the Llenaire Road, and the area near the foot of the Boquer Valley. The call is pretty distinctive and territoral pairs are pretty persistent in their calling, so just wander round at night- I have always found Port de Pollenca a very safe place for owling and you also might hear and sometimes see Stone Curlews and Night Herons as well. Hope this helps- Hugh Matthews- Northampton UK
Thanks everyone for the tips and advice. Hugh, I had read previously about the holes being blocked up at the hotel, such a shame. Great to hear that Christina had one at La Gola Mike, that means there is hope!! Really can’t wait to get back across it was so good last year.

2 new items arrived in the post this morning in time for our family holiday in April. Can't wait for it now! |:D||:D||:D|

Have been following this thread recently and enjoyed reading what people have been seeing.


Scops Owl: so far nobody has mentioned the T word (tape). I haven’t seen Scops for several years, but in the past I will confess that I was successful with a tape. Once in May we had four separate birds in PP, including Postage Stamp wood and the trees near the football camp. I had also previously called them in to the Finca at the beginning of the Bocquer from across the Valley.

I’M not sure if it’s guilt or shame that led me to desist, and certainly many will frown on the practice, but what it did demonstrate was that there were more Scops around than you might think.

I’m with Stew on that one, there are certainly more Scops owls than most people believe.
In the south, when I go walking at night, four birds calling would be an average evening. Getting them to show is another matter.
I watch them from my bedroom window hunting moths around the street lamps at the back of our apartment, but you still have to be quick, they are never easy.
The only one I saw in the UK was at Thrupp, Oxfordshire. The poor thing was harassed by several million candle power of torches which I found far more offensive that a simple recording. The Oxford bird returned the year after so I was told it could not have minded too much.
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