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Mallorca --Scope? or Binoculars sufficient? (1 Viewer)

Joern Lehmhus

Well-known member
One urgent question: Should i take my scope with me or are binoculars generally sufficient?

I originally thought binociulars may be sufficient, but not so sure about the albuffera now, maybe scope is nessecary?
We are travelling with small child, therefore would like to travel light- and up to now I had never taken the scope on a flight trip. (Can you take tripod with you in the cabin together with binoculars and scope or does it have to go with the "big" luggage)?
I pack the tripod in the hold luggage well wrapped in clothes. and I take scope, camera, bins etc with me in the cabin.
A scope is useful for S'Albufeira as there are often good things further out on the marshes.
A scope is also useful for scanning the mountain ridges, Bocquer Valley, etc for Black Vultures & possibly other raptors (Menorcan Egyptian Vultures are sedentary but wander to Mallorca where a pair or two may possibly be resident; there have also been autumn/winter influxes of Griffons in recent years).

Most carriers allow a children's buggy free of charge so you should have some hold space to play with -pop the tripod in rigid hold luggage (most will fit diagonally) BUT NOT in a soft hold bag. Scope with bins in hand-luggage.

Trust me -you will be sorry if you leave the scope behind.

Have a good & bird-filled trip,
Hi Joern,

travel light, you will not miss much; you will look at birds quicker, travel faster, ID most birds much faster, cover a greater area, be much more responsive if family or safety problems arise ...

Hey, Majorca is nearby, not so expensive and is not an active volcano - it will be there in 20+ years, I think :)

Keep the 'scope at home, tell the boss you are leaving it at home ^^

In case a very good bird is unrecognisable - make sure you have contacts with other BF members/birders who will be in Majorca at the same time - take some handy numbers with you, you may be allowed 1 day or 2 half-days 'free'.

Unless you can borrow a sub 66mm 'scope and lightweight tripod/monopod/shoulderpod ;)

Cheers, Andy.
Hi Joern,

I've been to Mallorca about six times now, always a family holiday and only ever took my binoculars.

Occasionally you have to let distant raptors go at the Bocquer, and distant waders at the water works have to go unidentified.

But it sounds like a family holiday with birding, not a birding holiday with the family in tow. So personally I'd just take my bins.

Hi Joern
Have to agree with Mark, Rob & Steve you will be disappointed if you don't take your scope. We have been with our grandchildren twice 4yr old & 2yr old but still managed to squeeze the tripod in the hold luggage. Have a great time.

I only ever take my binoculars when I go abroad 2-3 times a year. The weight can be expensive when you check in at the airport - as I found out at Lanzarote airport a fortnight ago. Two kilograms overweight equalled twenty two Euro's handed over to a sour faced woman at a desk in the check-in hall. :C
I only ever take my binoculars when I go abroad 2-3 times a year. The weight can be expensive when you check in at the airport - as I found out at Lanzarote airport a fortnight ago. Two kilograms overweight equalled twenty two Euro's handed over to a sour faced woman at a desk in the check-in hall. :C

Agree with steve_zodiac - only ever take my compact binoculars on a non-birding holiday. Accept that I may miss things as a result, but carry them with me on the plane. Wouldn't want to run the risk of my full size pair being damaged/lost by the airline in transit...
I've been to both Mallorca and Menorca many times.

I'd say for Menorca a scope is a nice luxury to have (didn't take one last time I was there and it would have come in handy for shearwaters from the apartment terrace, but apart from that it wasn't missed).

For Mallorca, I'd not like to be without one. S'Albufera, Boquer Valley and the Cuber Reservoir need a scope if you're going to be anywhere near doing them justice.
As others have said, its your call based on what sort of holiday you aregoing to have. If you are going to have any quality time by yourself tho, you will in my opinion regret NOT taking scope to places from S'Albufera, Formentor peninsula, and Cuber Reservoir. If youare with family at all times then just binos will do.

If you are in Alcudia at night it can be productive juts sitiing out in the hotel garden at night watching Eleonora's falcons hawking insects. But this was in August / Sept 07 above Hotel Astoria Playa in Alcudia. It was great as the kids and wife were watching the entertainment laid on and I had one eye on the skies watching them low overhead. But never saw them do this during a May visit.
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