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Martin's 2022 Bird List (Chevy Chase, MD, USA) (1 Viewer)

Spent a week in Greece and picked up a few more...

August 13

Acropolis of Athens, Greece
242. Alpine Swift (+)

August 14

Parikia Town, Paros, Greece
243. Bonelli's Eagle
244. Hooded Crow

Latest lifer: #897 - Bonelli's Eagle (Parikia Town, Paros, Greece)
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Had a great morning birding with Clive Harris and Lauren Carey. Despite buckets of rain we saw 11 warbler species and for me at least quite a few lifers, strongly breaking through the #900 mark with the Magnolia Warbler. What a great morning out!

September 11

Hughes Hollow - McKee Beshers, Poolesville, MD, USA
245. Barred Owl (+)
246. Eastern Phoebe
247. Northern Rough-winged Swallow
248. Bobolink
249. Cape May Warbler
250. Magnolia Warbler
251. Blackburnian Warbler

Hughes Hollow - McKee Beshers, Poolesville, MD, USA
252. Black-billed Cuckoo
253. Red-headed Woodpecker (+)
254. Veery
255. Northern Parula
256. Chestnut-sided Warbler (+)
257. Black-throated Blue Warbler
258. Canada Warbler

Congressional Polo Club, Poolesville, MD, USA
259. Killdeer
260. White-eyed Vireo
261. Horned Lark

Latest lifer: #906 - White-eyed Vireo (Congressional Polo Club, Poolesville, MD, USA)
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Another great day at Hughes Hollow with local birders from the Montgomery County Birding Club. Saw 39 species, including tons of warblers, six types of woodpeckers, and a lifer in the Lincoln's Sparrow.

October 9

Hughes Hollow - McKee Beshers, Poolesville, MD, USA
262. Sharp-shinned Hawk
263. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (+)
264. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
265. Red-breasted Nuthatch
266. Marsh Wren (+)
267. Purple Finch
268. Lincoln's Sparrow
269. Yellow-rumped Warbler

Latest lifer: #907 - Lincoln's Sparrow (Hughes Hollow - McKee Beshers, Poolesville, MD, USA)
Quick visit to Riyadh for work, and saw 11 species, including three year birds, and a big, bold Steppe Eagle lifer.

November 9

Ritz-Carlton Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
270. Steppe Eagle
271. White-spectacled Bulbul (+)
272. Spanish Sparrow (+)

Latest lifer: #908 - Steppe Eagle (Ritz-Carlton Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
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