Had a great morning birding with Clive Harris and Lauren Carey. Despite buckets of rain we saw 11 warbler species and for me at least quite a few lifers, strongly breaking through the #900 mark with the Magnolia Warbler. What a great morning out!
September 11
Hughes Hollow - McKee Beshers, Poolesville, MD, USA
245. Barred Owl (+)
246. Eastern Phoebe
247. Northern Rough-winged Swallow
248. Bobolink
249. Cape May Warbler
250. Magnolia Warbler
251. Blackburnian Warbler
Hughes Hollow - McKee Beshers, Poolesville, MD, USA
252. Black-billed Cuckoo
253. Red-headed Woodpecker (+)
254. Veery
255. Northern Parula
256. Chestnut-sided Warbler (+)
257. Black-throated Blue Warbler
258. Canada Warbler
Congressional Polo Club, Poolesville, MD, USA
259. Killdeer
260. White-eyed Vireo
261. Horned Lark
Latest lifer: #906 - White-eyed Vireo (Congressional Polo Club, Poolesville, MD, USA)