The only changes are (1) new armor, (2) upgrade of prism coatings from MeoBright to MeoLux coatings, (3) upgrade of hydrophobic coatings from MeoShield to MeoDrop.
So in short, it's taking the existing Meostar line (which has been out for what, 15+ years?) and updating it with Meopta's most advanced coatings, plus a new look to the exterior aesthetics.
According to Henry in the other thread, "the improvement in light transmission from changing to MeoLux should be about +2% at 550 nm, +3% at 650 nm and +4-5% at 450 nm for a complex binocular".
The current Meostars (B1 and B1.1) trail behind the alphas in transmission at the extremes, they have excellent peak transmission in the green / yellow / orange zone but fall off hard on the blue end and a bit less so on the red end, which is why they have a bit of a yellow cast and don't have quite the brightness/sparkle, whiteness rendering or "color purity" of the alphas.
Based on this info, and the measurements we've seen from Holger (and Allbinos), in theory this would put the transmission spectra of the B1.1 Plus pretty close to that of the 8x32 UVHD Plus.
This makes me VERY interested, as I really do like the 32mm Meostars and my only real nitpick optically is the transmission.