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Minivet & Pipit ID Questions, Guangxi, China (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Few days ago was out birding and have a couple ID questions from the western part of Guangxi, China.

1. Minivet ID: Came across a group of minivets which I would like help IDing. Photos are terrible, but thought that the wing pattern which is visible might be clear enough to ID. The thing that I noticed was that later I came across another group of minivets which were clearly Scarlet Minivets, evidencing the extra patch of red (or yellow in female) on the tertials. This was lacking in the bird in the photos (as well as the female that was with the male). Also curious whether, generally speaking, minivets tend to flock in same species groups or mixed species groups?

2. Pipit ID: Came across three pipits walking in a grassy area underneath a field of plum trees in a park. Again, the photos are poor. Clearly not Olive-backed, but was uncertain of ID. Also a sound file of one of the birds vocalizing when it took flight.



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Duplicate post?
Few days ago was out birding and have a couple ID questions from the western part of Guangxi, China.

1. Minivet ID: Came across a group of minivets which I would like help IDing. Photos are terrible, but thought that the wing pattern which is visible might be clear enough to ID. The thing that I noticed was that later I came across another group of minivets which were clearly Scarlet Minivets, evidencing the extra patch of red (or yellow in female) on the tertials. This was lacking in the bird in the photos (as well as the female that was with the male). Also curious whether, generally speaking, minivets tend to flock in same species groups or mixed species groups?

2. Pipit ID: Came across three pipits walking in a grassy area underneath a field of plum trees in a park. Again, the photos are poor. Clearly not Olive-backed, but was uncertain of ID. Also a sound file of one of the birds vocalizing when it took flight.

I did some processing of the photos, which might help. Looks very much like Long-tailed Minivet to me, though I don't have any first hand experience with them myself.

Not a lot to work with, but looks more like White Wagtail than Pipit to me. Note the definite black 'bib' and lack of streaking on the breast. Did the best I could on color correction and looks way too pale coloration for a Pipit. I couldn't make out anything on the audio file other than your footsteps in the leaves, but I'm in my 70's, so might just be me.


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