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Minsmere recommendations? (3 Viewers)


Well-known member
Next week my wife and I are going to stop by Minsmere area for a few days - try to arrive on Thursday, and going to drive back up to Scotland on Sunday, so we have Thu, Fri, Sat.

We've never really been birding south of Scotland, so keen to see as much as we can. We had thought to spend Thu and Fri at Minsmere and then go somewhere else on Saturday (thinking it might get crowded at Minsmere, and just to mix things around a bit).

Do any locals have suggestion on where would be best places to go / species to look for at Minsmere? As well as which places around about might be good to go on Saturday? We're staying in Minsmere area each night, but not too worried about driving distance given we're down and up from Scotland!

Any advice highly appreciated!
Minsmere is very well covered by the volunteers - speak to whoever is on the visitor's desk and check the sightings board which are updated frequently throughout the day - the earlier you get there and the later you stay the quieter it will be (and it is such a large site that you probably won't notice the numbers anyway apart from in the Island Hide or East Hide)
Thank you Ivan. We've no experience of Minsmere or the south of England, so any suggestion of best places to go or species to look for are very welcome.

Especially ideas of anywhere around that area that might be good to see on the trip - others RSPB places, or such like. Looking forward to it!
Hi Moadib

You're in for a treat. Minsmere is such a good reserve, with such a variety of habitats, that I wouldn't much think about going anywhere else. It has (1) the beach (with Little Terns), (2) the scrape (with Avocets etc), (3) the reedbeds (with Bitterns and Bearded Tits as well as Marsh Harriers), (4) the deciduous woodland (with Nightingales and woodpeckers), (5) the open fields and heaths (with Woodlarks, a variety of migrants etc) ...

The only thing I might say is about Stone Curlews. Minsmere has made a decent job of encouraging these back, I'm not sure whether the general public are allowed anywhere near them. If this species is on your wishlist, then you might consider Weeting Heath (just in Norfolk, near the Suffolk border at Brandon). There is an entrance fee (about £4 I think) but you do have a better chance of seeing them here than anywhere else I know. And it could be on your way down or back to/from Scotland.

Anyway, good luck ! Hope you enjoy it all.
Wow, thank you Dave, that's really helpful, exactly the kind of thing I was looking for.

Very much looking forward to the trip, and we're going to try and stop off at some places on the way back up.
I think Minsmere have said that the stone curlews are visible from North Wall - if they are in the same spot as last year this definitely needs a scope.

You should also add Dunwich Heath (north and adjacent to Minsmere) - although for the best sightings get there early to avoid the dog walkers
A specific question on the area - is there any where near Minsmere (or in Norfolk area) that's good to see little owl? One of my wife's 'always wanted to see' species, and the one we don't get up here - it sort of peters out at the border!
I think Minsmere have said that the stone curlews are visible from North Wall - if they are in the same spot as last year this definitely needs a scope.

You should also add Dunwich Heath (north and adjacent to Minsmere) - although for the best sightings get there early to avoid the dog walkers

Thanks Ivan - is Dunwich Heath also a spot for stone curlew, or for other species? I imagined dog walkers would have been kept away from stone curlew areas?
Just wanted to thank Dave, Ivan and all for their help. Had a wonderful time birding in the area. Minsmere was very good (including perhaps the best cheese scones I've ever had - and I've eaten a few!), but surprisingly our best birding was in the surrounding area. Dunwich Heath was excellent as recommended, and Westleton Heath was fabulous, with incredible nightingale song & views, turtle dove, woodlark etc.

Really enjoyed the trip, and many thanks for your suggestions, really helped.
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