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If you are visiting New Jersey there are 2 colonies of wild Monk Parakeets that have sustained for decades in the area near the Newark Airport. This species escaped from the bird trade in the 1970's and they are cold-hardy. They are native to Argentina. There is a colony in Carteret NJ and a larger colony in Edgewater. Both colonies are only a 10-15 min ride from Newark Airport. There is also a large colony in a park in nearby Brooklyn , NY. They are checklist countable as they have survived for many generations around here , despite getting their nests torn down by the local power companies ( as they prefer to build nests on power poles and lines) they build massive condo-style nests made out of sticks.
Here are some pics from this past weekend , they are active all winter . The Carteret population may be as many as 50 birds with a few nests , Edgewater has plenty more:
Here are some pics from this past weekend , they are active all winter . The Carteret population may be as many as 50 birds with a few nests , Edgewater has plenty more: