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Monsieur D/des Murs , and "his" Wiretail (3 Viewers)

Björn Bergenholtz

(former alias "Calalp")
Here's a question regarding the very End of the guy commemorated in ...

desmurii (and desmursii) as in:
Des Murs's Wiretail "Sylviorthorhynchus desmursii DES MURS 1847" [? ... according to Avibase, which seems somewhat illogical as Avibase's link (to the OD), take us to Claudio Gay's Historia fisica y politica de Chile ..., here – where it's written desmurii, as in "Sylviorthorhynchus Desmurii"]

Also note that Zoonomen has this Scientific name, and its Author (Auctor), as well as Authorship, as: "Sylviorthorhynchus desmurii Gay 1845" (which, to me, seems more logical, as I doubt that Monsieur des Murs would have honoured himself in this Scientific name) ...

Either way, in today's Key explained as:
desmuri / desmurii / desmursi / desmursii
Marc Athanase Parfait Œillet des Murs (1804-1894) French ornithologist (?syn. Aquila heliaca, syn. Dendrocopos darjellensis, syn. Dendropicos abyssinicus, syn. Hieraaetus wahlbergi, Sylviorthorhynchus).

But ... in Alejandro Mouchard's Book (*) Etimología de los nombres científicos de las aves de Argentina, from 2019, we find the following comment [my blue and bolds]:
629. Sylviorthorhynchus desmursii Des Murs, 1847 ...
desmursii: de Des Murs. La descripción técnica de la especie la realizó Des Murs en la obra de Gay, Historia Política de Chile, como Sylviorthorhynchus desmurii, pero la designación no debe tomarse como una falta de modestia de Des Murs, sino que él anota como referencia “S. Desmuri Cl Gay, Icon” o sea que se basó en las láminas del Atlas de la obra donde es evidente que los nombres los puso Claudio Gay. Pelzeln en 1865 (Reise Novara, Zool I, Vögel) corrige la grafía a la forma correcta desmursi.

Marc Athanase Parfait Oeillet Des Murs
nació en 1804, estudió derecho en París, como Buffon, y obtuvo ...

... No se conoce la fecha de su muerte, aún vivía en 1889, pero su esposa Félicie Bonnelat, murió viuda en 1893.

Thus, do we truly know that he died in "1894" ... or not? :unsure:

Also note that Zoonomen has him (in the Author Index) as:
Des Murs, Marc Athanese Parfait Oeillet ____________ 1804-1878

As of right now, in my MS I have him, as "Œillet Des Murs" (a k a Oeillet ditto), whose full name was "Marc Athanase Parfait Œillet Des Murs", though in my MS I only have him briefly, mentioned only in context/s, as the describer (Author/Auctor) of several (other) taxa, but I never mention his (full) years/Life span ...

Anyone who have seen an official Death record?


*Mouchard, A. 2019 Etimología de los nombres científicos de las aves de Argentina : su significado y origen. 1 Edition. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Fundación de Historia Natural Félix de Azara, pp. 1–389.
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Discussed already here ...
Ooups! I apparently missed that one, Martin, even if I did search for desmurii, before posting, but I clearly forgot to search for Monsieur Œillet des Murs himself. Sorry about that ...

Also, sorry Laurent for the unwarranted work. But thanks anyway! (y)



PS. Monsieur des Murs (and desmursii) was also mentioned in (my own!) old thread Prévost in Prévost Ground-sparrow (from back in August of 2013), here (even if I, at that point, wrote his Surname somewhat differently).

Maybe we've simply been doing this for too long (far too long) by now? ;)

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