Lossie area, New Year.
Happy New Year all. I was in Lossie for the weekend, (bit late posting I know), and managed a couple of quick outings during family visits. Lossie estuary busy with Wigeons etc, and a small flock of 5 Snow Buntings which passed through rather quickly, and bit too far for decent photo. Godwit of some description, think it may have been Black-tailed, Goldeneye, Teal, Redshank, Dunlin and the usual collection of Gulls.
Loch Spynie had c15 Whooper and a nice flock of Long-tailed Tit along with all the usuals, Blue, Coal, Great. also Great Spotted Woodpecker, and fleeting raptor crossed in front of hide left to right, looked like Sparrowhawk but not confirmed. 2 x Water Rail were showing quite well on the feeder to the left of the hide as were 2 x Red Squirrels on the right hand feeders.
Good numbers of Geese, Curlew and Whoopers in various fields around the area, especially on road to Lhanbryde. Couple of pics.