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more help please (1 Viewer)

Bill Came

Well-known member
after much deliberation i've decided to go for leica apo televid 77
and a nikon cp 4500, although i'm not sure what eyepeice to go for, any suggerstions please, many thanks..
Get the 20-60x zoom, more versatile when general birding and very little, if any, loss of quality on the photos.
Should have gone for the Swarovski ATS80HD though! ;)
hi cjw, because the price was a big factor, the cheaper leica was the only option, and also my current scope is not up to the job, so i have to get both a camera and a scope..thanks for the advice on the eyepeice, will the zoom work with the digiscoping adapter in place..........
It depends on the adaptor - I believe there's one called Spidertech (or something like that), which allows zooming with the adaptor in place, but the majority don't.
Zoom eyepiece is good. If you go for one of the tube type adaptors such as eagleeye, LCE which do up with a couple of screws i.e. set eyepiece zoom at 20x place adaptor over eyepiece and tighten screw/s you then just turn camera to zoom.

The screen will be at an angle but you get used to this.

many thanks to you for the info, i'm off to the countryside for a week so i'll speak to you all when i get back........
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