Well-known member

Starting this thread in the hope others will chime in with their most memorable bird encounters. I've provided 5 of mine below, with the best photo of the day, as well as a rating I gave to that birdwatching day, with a 10.0 being an ideal day.
5. Sierra Espuna 04/2022
Rating: 5.7
Species: Golden eagle

Although the photos I obtained were not that impressive, this was my first-ever time when I had seen a golden eagle. And I saw it very close. Unlike what my photos show, the pair got incredibly close at one point, and once had an aerial conflict with a peregrine as I watched!
4. An out-of-control day at El Hondo 12/2022
Rating: 6.5
Species: Eagle-owl, Fulvescens greater spotted eagle, merlin

I visited for the greater spotted eagle and sort of saw it (although it would be best a few days later), but most of the heavy lifting was done by a bird which surprised an entire crowd. When I got there, it flew off from a perfect perch, but didn't fly far off. It then flew right past me and gave amazing views, although I still don't like my photo that much because it doesn't show the owl's facial disk. But others gave it a 5/5 on ebird, the only time I have ever received that rating there. I also was upset because of my own ineptitude- I tracked a female merlin to its perch, said 'meh' and looked away. It then flew right past me, and I in absolute shock messed up the focus so much I almost deleted the photo on sight.
3. Monster rarities around Alicante province 04/2023
Rating: 7.9
Species: Lesser flamingo, elegant tern, Montagu's harrier

I visited the area solely for Montagu's harriers, and enjoyed a lot of lovely views of a pair skydancing, and later of a male which flew incredibly close to the fence. I then entirely by accident saw a lesser flamingo out on the lake! Although my photos were meager, which is why this monstrous rarity did not score higher, I then went on to track down two elegant terns at El Pinet! Although the elegant tern is one amazing encounter...nothing beats the lesser flamingo at all.
2. Bearded vulture in the Pyrenees 07/2022
Rating: 9.1
Species: Bearded vulture, golden eagle, griffon vulture, chough, alpine chough

This day was a nightmare. A thunderstorm in the morning, and distant views of the bearded vulture at first. Around 6pm, we decided to leave, but our way was blocked by a broken rode, forcing us to return back the way we came. As we did so, I saw a bearded vulture at incredibly close range, and took some photos just as it disappeared behind a ridge. Prior to this event I had wanted to see this bird for 5 years.
Best: Raptors of Sierra Oeste de Madrid 04/2023
Rating: 9.9
Species: Spanish imperial eagle, black vulture, black stork

In many ways the ideal day of birdwatching, I went out to the mountains for the morning and got treated to stunning views of an adult imperial eagle sitting on a pylon and then a young bird circling overhead whilst looking at me, a black vulture circling low overhead, and even distant views of the extremely shy black stork! The only way this day could have ever been better was if I had seen an adult imperial eagle in flight, and seen the black stork closer in another area. But the day was otherwise too amazing to complain. The imperial eagle in particular has been #1 on my list for 6 years until that moment, and only a good view of an Andean/California condor can beat that level of excitement out of a different species.
5. Sierra Espuna 04/2022
Rating: 5.7
Species: Golden eagle

Although the photos I obtained were not that impressive, this was my first-ever time when I had seen a golden eagle. And I saw it very close. Unlike what my photos show, the pair got incredibly close at one point, and once had an aerial conflict with a peregrine as I watched!
4. An out-of-control day at El Hondo 12/2022
Rating: 6.5
Species: Eagle-owl, Fulvescens greater spotted eagle, merlin

I visited for the greater spotted eagle and sort of saw it (although it would be best a few days later), but most of the heavy lifting was done by a bird which surprised an entire crowd. When I got there, it flew off from a perfect perch, but didn't fly far off. It then flew right past me and gave amazing views, although I still don't like my photo that much because it doesn't show the owl's facial disk. But others gave it a 5/5 on ebird, the only time I have ever received that rating there. I also was upset because of my own ineptitude- I tracked a female merlin to its perch, said 'meh' and looked away. It then flew right past me, and I in absolute shock messed up the focus so much I almost deleted the photo on sight.
3. Monster rarities around Alicante province 04/2023
Rating: 7.9
Species: Lesser flamingo, elegant tern, Montagu's harrier

I visited the area solely for Montagu's harriers, and enjoyed a lot of lovely views of a pair skydancing, and later of a male which flew incredibly close to the fence. I then entirely by accident saw a lesser flamingo out on the lake! Although my photos were meager, which is why this monstrous rarity did not score higher, I then went on to track down two elegant terns at El Pinet! Although the elegant tern is one amazing encounter...nothing beats the lesser flamingo at all.
2. Bearded vulture in the Pyrenees 07/2022
Rating: 9.1
Species: Bearded vulture, golden eagle, griffon vulture, chough, alpine chough

This day was a nightmare. A thunderstorm in the morning, and distant views of the bearded vulture at first. Around 6pm, we decided to leave, but our way was blocked by a broken rode, forcing us to return back the way we came. As we did so, I saw a bearded vulture at incredibly close range, and took some photos just as it disappeared behind a ridge. Prior to this event I had wanted to see this bird for 5 years.
Best: Raptors of Sierra Oeste de Madrid 04/2023
Rating: 9.9
Species: Spanish imperial eagle, black vulture, black stork

In many ways the ideal day of birdwatching, I went out to the mountains for the morning and got treated to stunning views of an adult imperial eagle sitting on a pylon and then a young bird circling overhead whilst looking at me, a black vulture circling low overhead, and even distant views of the extremely shy black stork! The only way this day could have ever been better was if I had seen an adult imperial eagle in flight, and seen the black stork closer in another area. But the day was otherwise too amazing to complain. The imperial eagle in particular has been #1 on my list for 6 years until that moment, and only a good view of an Andean/California condor can beat that level of excitement out of a different species.