A strange intro perhaps, but it's true. My wife and I recently moved from Ladner, B.C. to Fort St. John B.C. to be closer to daughter and grandkids in our old age. Ladner is situated at the mouth of the Fraser R. in SW British Columbia,and that is a birders paradise. Huge flocksof waterfowl, shorebirds, raptors, and dickie birds of all sorts are found there in vast expanses of bird habitat. Here in our new home there are a few waterfowl for a short time, a few shorebirds ( for a short time ), very few raptors, and a few kinds of dickie birds. That said, I've been working on exploiting what we have, along with the lots of mule deer, bison, and moose. We do have lots of ravens in winter and magpies year round and I have a secret spot for plentiful stellar's jays.