Björn Bergenholtz
(former alias "Calalp")

Here's a short question regarding the very well-known (US) Ornithologist; Edgar A. Mearns, Field naturalist, collector, articipated in numerous collecting expeditions incl. the United States-Mexican International Boundary Survey, Philippine Islands Expedition, Smithsonian-Roosevelt African Expedition, and the Childs Frick Expedition, Founding member of the American Ornithologists' Union, Honorary Associate in Zoology at USNM, (*) etc., etc.. ... commemorated in many mearnsi Birds.
In today's Key this (and those) eponym/s is/are explained as:
Contrary to this, the Obituary, in the Auk 35 (1), of January 1918 [here], tells us:
Thus; was he born in "1858", or in "1856" ... ?!?
Only one Birth year can be correct.
*According to (Division of Birds) Hall of Fame, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution (2022), here.
PS. James, all the other ones in this Hall of Fame are in accordance with the Key.
In today's Key this (and those) eponym/s is/are explained as:
Lt.-Col. Edgar Alexander Mearns (1858-1916) US Army 1883-1909, surgeon, collector in Mexico 1892-1894, the Philippines 1903-1907, and tropical Africa 1909-1911 (Aerodramus, subsp. Agelaius phoeniceus, subsp. Colaptes chrysoides, subsp. Cyrtonyx montezumae, subsp. Junco hyemalis, subsp. Lanius ludovicianus, syn. Macronus striaticeps mindanensis, syn. Melanerpes formicivorus, subsp. Orthotomus frontalis, subsp. Toxostoma cinereum, syn. Turtur afer, subsp. Zenaida asiatica).
(Apodidae; Ϯ Philippine Spine-tailed Swift M. picina) Lt.-Col. Edgar Alexander Mearns (1858-1916) US Army 1883-1909, surgeon, collector in Mexico 1892-1894, the Philippines 1903-1907, and tropical Africa 1909-1911. "dd. Size smaller (wing less than 170 mm., the wing relatively very long); tenth (outermost) primary distinctly shorter than ninth; distance from tips of longest secondaries to tip of longest primary much more than two-thirds the total length of wing; tail only one-sixth as long as wing, the longest coverts reaching nearly to its tip; no white on under tail-coverts or flanks. Mearnsia (extralimital).e ... eNew genus. Dedicated to Dr. Edgar A. Mearns, U. S. A., not only in recognition of his valuable services to ornithology, but also as a token of the author's high esteem. (Type, Chætura picina Tweeddale.)" (Ridgway 1911); "Mearnsia Ridgway, 1911, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 50, pt. V, p. 686. Type, by original designation, Chaetura picina Tweeddale, 1879." (JAJ 2020).
Synon. Papuanapus.
Contrary to this, the Obituary, in the Auk 35 (1), of January 1918 [here], tells us:
Born, September 11, 1856 — Died, November 1, 1916.
Thus; was he born in "1858", or in "1856" ... ?!?
Only one Birth year can be correct.
*According to (Division of Birds) Hall of Fame, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution (2022), here.
PS. James, all the other ones in this Hall of Fame are in accordance with the Key.
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