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Mull in May (1 Viewer)

Roger P

Well-known member
Just beginning to research a trip to Mull for a week in late May. Other family members have dealt with accommodation. We would quite like to take one or more of the guided wildlife tours of the island and possibly a sea watching day.
Can anyone recommend which of the various operators runs the best tours? None are cheap and we need to make best use of our time. All the websites etc.look equally good! any hints?
Hi Roger

They all run good tours - I don't think you'll be disappointed with whichever one you choose.


Oh! and you'll love it there:-O
When i went, i did it through Discover Mull
Pam and Arthur are great people and have a good sense of humour. Also very knowledgeable of the area (But the same could be said for all of the operators)
Within 15 mins of the tour started, we were sitting watching 2 otters playing off the shore! Excellent place to visit - very highly recommended!
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