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Mull or skye (1 Viewer)


Craig Shaw
which is better in october please and any recomended places for skye please for all birds.

thanks in advance

I'm also going to Skye in October and would be interested in recommendations for places to visit for birding.
Sorry for the late reply Craig and Llendorin, there are many places to see birds on both Mull and Skye during October (remember during this time you will be getting huge migrations of winter visitors most notably the geese and waders). For more information look at these websites http://www.skye-birds.com/ and http://www.mullbirds.com/


Turns out i'm now going to Mull in August as well as Skye in October, so i'll get the best of both. We're planning on going on one of the wildlife tours on Mull. Would you recommend these, and if so, any particular one stands out? (I've seen 4 or 5)
In case it's helpful, my wife and I are just back from Mull and can only describe it as superb. We had visited last year for a couple of days, and spent a week there this time.

Last time we went out to the Treshnish Isles and enjoyed watching puffins and many other seabirds, which we did this time too. But this time we could also enjoy otters, the sea eagles, golden eagles and other smaller birds of prey and owls. Truly fantastic.

I stuck a few photos up on my flickr account which I hope can whet some other peoples' appetites, and help them to enjoy.

Fabulous place.


EDIT : Mean to add, we didn't take any of the tours, but have only heard good reports. We just spent our time in Salen bay (otters), Loch Frisa and Loch Na Keal (eagles, buzzards, owls), Loch Ba (golden eagles).

EDIT2 : And also meant to add a thanks to everyone the site for their descriptions, which helped us to plan out all that we wanted to see and do.
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Hey Guys!

Moadib - those pics are amazing! If Llendorin and I hadn't already decided on Mull I suspect we certainly would have after seeing those! :) I'll be very happy if I even see half of what you all describe!

Thanks for the suggestions and hints of key species :)
Thanks for the comments and glad some could enjoy the photos. As it says on one of the pics, the view was just so amazing that even if no otters had appeared I would have loved just sitting soaking in the view. That otters appeared was the icing on the cake, and that they were fighting over an eel was the cherry on top (although obviously not for the eel!).

The main road was about 10m away from there. Going out of Salen toward Tobermory, past the abandoned boats and there's a small parking area - the otters appear there usually on the high tide. we saw them a few days, and they seem relatively unperturbed by people.

Hope you all have a great time - I'd love to be heading back there myself!
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