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My #LocalBigYear list (1 Viewer)


GingaNinja (BenjiS)
United Kingdom
I've only just started birdwatching as a whole (middle of 2021), and don't usually go majorly far for birdwatching
My radius is going to be 9 miles (only as the closest reserve is 9 miles away).
So far this year, and in this radius I have seen

1. Wren
2. Robin
3. Goldcrest
4. Blackbird
5. Mallard
6. Bullfinch
7. Chaffinch
8. Goldfinch
9. Black-headed gull
10. Blue tit
11. Chiffchaff
12. Crow
13. Collared dove
14. Coot
15. Moorhen
16. Dunnock
17. Great tit
18. Green woodpecker
19. House Sparrow
20. Jackdaw
21. Kestrel
22. Jackdaw
23. Long-tailed tit
24. Magpie
25. Song Thrush
26. Red Kite
27. Feral Pigeon
28. Woodpigeon
29. Starling
Finally managed to get to a big lake so got most of more common ducks
40. Tufted Duck
41. Pochard
42. Wigeon
43. Great Crested Grebe
44. Grey Wagtail
45. Greylag Goose
46. Canada Goose
Canada+Greylag goose Hybrid (I thought I would put this on here but not count it!)
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