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Location is in Sothern westren Romania around the Serbian border, a field with forestry of oak wood around the "Victor Vlad Delamarin" village.

The bird was flying away, got scared by some hunter's gunshot in distance.
The bird was of prey and had a round head; which would maybe be a kestrel but the sound doubts me.
It had a tail, medium sized and had some light color around it.
The wings were of dark color with a light color at it's ends.
The colors were not in "checker board", mixed or something like that. They were solid "bland" colors.

The sound which the bird made was similar to an eagle's screech. Except it was more high-pitched and a little bit more short.

No recordings of it
Don't quote me, but I think it would be extremely unlikely that there would be any booted eagles in Romania in December. They're in Africa then.
I fear your bird is not identifiable from your description.
surely not, in december (Booted Eagles are a in Africa during the winter). I'd suggest a light morph Common Buzzard which can have a similar underwing pattern.
I got some pics, black back thats all it can be seen from here


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