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Neotropical families of birds (1 Viewer)

Peter Kovalik

Well-known member
Mateus Ferreira, 2018. Filogenia e biogeografia de três famílias de aves do Neotrópico. Thesis.


The Neotropical region has one of the highest biodiversity index in the planet and several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the origin of such diversity. Currently, landscape and climatic evolution are credited to be the two main processes responsible for shaping the patterns. Landscape evolution includes, for example, the Andean uplift and consequent continental drainage reconfiguration, and the closure of the Isthmus of Panama, which allowed the Great American Biotic Interchange. In the present study we selected three Neotropical families of birds. Trogonidae has a Pantropical distribution, members of this family inhabit tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, however, the highest diversity is currently found in the Americas. Galbulidae and Bucconidae are sister families and endemics to the Neotropics. WE sampled all species and almost all subspecies currently recognized for this three families, and for widespread species we thoroughly sampled throughout their distributions to uncover hidden phylogeographic patterns. Based on these results, we selected the samples to sequence thousands of Ultraconserved Elements (UCE). Thus, we compiled three studies for this thesis. In the first chapter, we studied one Galbulidae species complex associated with the Amazonian White-sand environments. We compared between molecular markers that have different heritage systems, the mtDNA and nuDNA (UCE), where we recovered contrasting histories between markers, and based on these results we proposed a diversification model for the White-sand environments. In the second chapter, we analyzed the global diversification of Trogonidae, employing thousands of UCE loci to propose a phylogenetic hypothesis between all species currently recognized, and we also estimated a fossil calibrated time tree for Trogonidae diversification. At last, in the third chapter, we analyzed the diversification patterns for Galbulidae and Bucconidae using a phylogeographic/phylogenetic approach. In this chapter it was clear how these groups diversity in underestimated by currently taxonomic approach.

Capítulo 1

Ferreira, M.; Fernandes, A.M.; Aleixo, A.; Antonelli, A.; Olsson, U.; Bates, J.M.; Cracraft, J.; Ribas, C.C. Evidence for mtDNA capture in the jacamar Galbula leucogastra / chalcothorax species-complex and insights on the evolution of white-sand environments in the Amazon basin. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (no prelo).

Capítulo 2

Ferreira, M.; Aleixo, A.; Bates, J. M.; Cracraft, J.; Ribas, C. C. Phylogenomics of trogons (Aves: Trogonidae) shed light on the Quaternary biogeography of tropical forests and the connections between Asia, North and South America. Manuscrito formatado para Molecular Biology and Evolution.

Capítulo 3

Ferreira, M.; Aleixo, A.; Bates, J. M.; Cracraft, J.; Ribas, C. C. Phylogeography and phylogenomics of jacamars (Aves: Galbulidae) and puffbirds (Aves: Bucconidae) reveal underestimation of species diversity and recurrent biogeographic patterns in the Neotropics. Manuscrito formatado para Zoological Journal of Linnean Society.

Needless to say that Cryptobucco is not available according to the ICZN
For now, it's of course not published. (It contains no evidence of ZooBank registration, hence the pdf cannot be deemed published; at most a few printed copies will possibly have been lodged in libraries, but as we all know this does not count as publication.)

But -- and this is more disturbing: even if published, it would still be a nomen nudum, because it lacks a diagnosis.
But -- and this is more disturbing: even if published, it would still be a nomen nudum, because it lacks a diagnosis.

Yep, I also noticed that

Furthermore, the Notharchus /Nystactes / Hypnelus clade is fairly homogeneous so I don't see the point of isolating Notharchus tectus and N. subtectus in a separate genus. Let's keep in one, i.e. Nystactes Gloger, 1827
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