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New binoculars from Swarovski: Range 32 and new phone adapter (1 Viewer)

I just browsed on the Swarovski homepage and realised that they have a new Phone adapter and new Rangefinder binoculars with 32 mm objektiv lens. Maybe not so interessing for birders.
Some initial info:
October availablity.jpg

EL Range x32.jpg

Available in 8x32 and 10x32, and weighing less than 700g / 25 oz!


p.s. In addition:
a) the technical data, and;
b) the press release (quoted from by iseegeorgesstar in post #5 below).


  • EL_Range3242_TD_CEE_102023_300x319_EV.pdf
    857 KB · Views: 24
  • 2023_SO_PR_EL_Range_32_USEN.pdf
    163.2 KB · Views: 8
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So much lighter than the 870 g/ 30.7 oz Leica Geovid Pro x32 (and seemingly more svelte?)

Geovid x42, Geovid Pro x32 and BA x42:

Leica x3.jpg

Cropped and lightened image from Josh Boyd at: Leica Geovid Pro 32 Review - Rokslide

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Nice find. How good is the EL rangefinding?

From their website:

"SWAROVSKI OPTIK is once again confirming its position as a trend-setter and technological leader in high-precision hunting optics. “Certain types of hunting, such as backcountry or mountain hunting, are attracting increasing numbers of followers. Devices not only need to meet the very highest demands in terms of optical performance, they also need to be compact and lightweight. On long hunts, every ounce counts. The EL Range 32 meets all these requirements,” explains Stefan Schwarz, CEO of SWAROVSKI OPTIK."

Also obligatory joke/remark as a recent Habicht convert: If only hunters needed more Habicht configurations such as with larger objectives and/or green armoring on the 30mm. :cry::cry::cry:
Unfortunately they have the same poor ergonomics as the Geovid Pro. The focus wheel so far back is horrible after using a modern NL, SF or even SFL. If the focus wheel had been on the other side of the bridge, they would handle so much better, especially one handed.
Unfortunately they have the same poor ergonomics as the Geovid Pro. The focus wheel so far back is horrible after using a modern NL, SF or even SFL. If the focus wheel had been on the other side of the bridge, they would handle so much better, especially one handed.
POOR is your opinion surely no doubt and that most likely converts into "Too Expensive" usually..lol
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This is an interesting design from Swaro - looks like they may have piggybacked off the older model CL chassis for this one….

interesting to see how the dimensions measure up the tradition EL 8x32 that we all know so well.

I also wonder if longer term all Swaro’s EL’s will move to this design or if they will leave the open bridge in place to differentiate from the NL’s…

i hv no need for ranger finder binos so no critical interest from me - I’m more curious about design decision.
I suspect we will shortly see a 32mm EL which will be similar in appearance (and which will correct the obvious 32mm gap in the current EL assortment)
Some more details . . .

The new 8 page brochure (aka Fact Sheet) for the EL Range 32 and 42 models can be found at: My Service

Of most interest are the following excerpts:

EL Range 32.jpg

So unlike the 42 model, there is only one electronics housing/ fin on the 32, on the underside of the right hand barrel;
compare the rear of the 32 and 42 models shown in the image from the manual.
(On the 42 model, the mode selection button is on the rear of the left tube; as shown in the image from the manual.)

- -
vs EL Range 42.jpg

Presumedly the reference to the 32 model lacking Swarovision as a weight saving measure, indicates a simpler eyepiece
lacking specific field flattening lenses (?) *

- - - -
And from the manual:

EL Range 32 vs 42.jpg

* The Swarovision concept was introduced with the second, all new version of the EL, dating from 2010.
It was used to describe several features: additional field flattener lenses in the eyepiece; fluoride containing/ HD glass
in the objective; extended eye relief, and; updated coatings.
See the attached pages from a 2011 catalogue (with slightly differing claims).



  • EL SV, Nature 2011.jpg
    EL SV, Nature 2011.jpg
    297.5 KB · Views: 10
Presumedly the reference to the 32 model lacking Swarovision as a weight saving measure, indicates a simpler eyepiece
lacking specific field flattening lenses (?) *

An incredibly informative post... thank you.
Regards the weight saving, perhaps a cost-cutting measure, too, to market them at a lower price???
So unlike the 42 model, there is only one electronics housing/ fin on the 32, on the underside of the right hand barrel;
Thank you, John.
The one thing I don‘t like on my 42 EL Range is the electronics housing on the underside. Neither Zeiss nor Leica have anything similar on their range binos; it makes holding the bino a bit odd for me. I imagine it‘s not better to have the fin on one side only. I wonder how others feel about this.
"So unlike the 42 model, there is only one electronics housing/ fin on the 32, on the underside of the right hand barrel;"

Never having seen the 42, Im confused by the term fin. Seems like #9 in the 42 pic is "fin" shaped, and is the alternative control, depending on app setting, to range? That it? Not numbered or called out in either picture is an outline of I guess a bulge that hides the electronics? Is that the fin, then? Pictures and words seem to suggest this bulge is left side barrel on 32 and both on 42? Is it that sort of rectangular outline above 15 and 16 on the 32?
Hi Tom,

For two images comparing the external dimensions of the EL SV 42 and the original EL Range 42,
with the latter image showing the underside electronics housings/ fins,
see post #251 at: 6 January 2022 - New Leica announcement
Along with post #241 there are also images of other RF binoculars compared.

For what little we know about the EL Range 42 internals and electronics,
see posts #5 and 6 at: Updated Swarovski Range and CL pockets.

The link in post #5 regarding transmission shows that - depending on the way the electronics are incorporated into a design -
they may have a significantly adverse effect on transmission. It draws from Gij's extensive body of tests.

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( . . . and to the theme music of Jaws) More Fins!

a) original EL Range 42, from a 2021 eBay listing by ap104
b) current EL Range TA 42, from a 2023 eBay listing by waytoomuchstuffid

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