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NEW BOOK - Birdwatching walks in Gwent (1 Viewer)


A Welsh birder in Dorset!
Thought it was worth highlighting the publication of Gwent Ornithological Societies new book, 'Birdwatching Walks in Gwent'. It's marking the clubs 50th year and should be a useful guide to anyone visiting the county. I'd imagine it would also give gwent birders a range of new places to visit and spend a few hours birding. The book includes all of Gwents top spots including Newport Wetlands NNR and Llandegfeth Reservoir but also includes lesser known sites which are only watched by dedicated 'patch watchers'.

The book is for sale on the Gwent Ornithological Societies website www.gwentbirds.org.uk and should also be available from other outlets including the RSPB's shop at Newport Wetlands.

Go on... It's only a tenner!
Oooh thanks Luke. An idea for a Chrissie present for my brother.

How's you doing lad?
Hi Delia, I'm good. Nipping back to Gwent next weekend for the Book Launch and the Welsh birdy conference. Probably won't get much chance to do any birding but will be nice to be back, albeit briefly. Hope your well and glad I've given you a christmas idea!
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