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New interview about White-tailed Eagles in Ukraine (1 Viewer)

Markus Jais

Well-known member
Happy New Year to everyone!

The White-tailed Eagle is the largest eagle species in Europe and a spectacular sight.
I am happy to announce the first interview about this species on europeanraptors.org:


In this interview, Maxim Gavrilyuk from the Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre explains the current situation of White-tailed Eagles (also knows as Sea Eagles) in the Ukraine, what prey species are important, how the population had developed during the last decades, the threats the species is facing and more.

The good news: As in most European countries, the White-tailed Eagle population has increased in Ukraine during the last decades. Hopefully this trend will continue.

I plan to publish more interviews about WTSE in the future.


It would be also very interesting to read about raptors (and other wildlife) in the depopulated zone near Charnobyl. Non-birders visiting it observed very many White-tailed Eagles.
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