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New Jersey, a birders Mecca!
Located on the Atlantic Flyway, NJ although small in size;166 miles in length, 57 miles wide offers fantastic birding only hours away.
Cape May is located on the southern tip and is renown for its fall Hawk Watch. Thousands of raptors stream past the Lighthouse on their migration and thousands of birders assemble to witness the event. An offical counter is on duty from Aug thru Nov. at the viewing stand. Check the tote board for daily numbers. If planning a trip, make motel reservations well in advance as things get hetic on prime weekends.
Brigantine National Wildlife Refuge, known as "Brig" is a coastal marsh, with 20,000 acres of prime marsh, freshwater ponds, wooded terrain to offer shelter to various species. A road circles the marsh ponds allowing close views of thousands of snow geese, brant, ducks. In Spring and Fall shorebird migration is a must see.
If you ever get the chance, come on over and enjoy the birding, you'll be glad you did!
Located on the Atlantic Flyway, NJ although small in size;166 miles in length, 57 miles wide offers fantastic birding only hours away.
Cape May is located on the southern tip and is renown for its fall Hawk Watch. Thousands of raptors stream past the Lighthouse on their migration and thousands of birders assemble to witness the event. An offical counter is on duty from Aug thru Nov. at the viewing stand. Check the tote board for daily numbers. If planning a trip, make motel reservations well in advance as things get hetic on prime weekends.
Brigantine National Wildlife Refuge, known as "Brig" is a coastal marsh, with 20,000 acres of prime marsh, freshwater ponds, wooded terrain to offer shelter to various species. A road circles the marsh ponds allowing close views of thousands of snow geese, brant, ducks. In Spring and Fall shorebird migration is a must see.
If you ever get the chance, come on over and enjoy the birding, you'll be glad you did!
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