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new leica zoom? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member

Has anyone tried the mark2 leica zoom yet for digiscoping
does the longer eye relief make much difference?
hi pete,
i took delivery of a leica 62 apo with the new zoom on 2-27. this zoom gives 16x-48x with the small body. i did a lot of shooting with my cp4500 2-28 at 16,20,24x and the results were very good. vignetting is not a problem and the eyepiece is sharp edge to edge. sorry i can't compare it to the old zoom but i see no reason to use fixed eyepiece instead of this one. the field of view is larger also (lieca says).
richard bledsoe
san diego,ca.
i use from about 17-24mm camera focal length usually. i experienced soft focus with my old scope when using too much magnification. today i shot some red-crowned parrots with 30x scope zoom and 21.20mm camera focal lenght with good results. this eyepiece looks like a winner.
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