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New Sigma 150/600 (1 Viewer)

I’ve also just purchased this lens, so may resurrect this thread a little.

So far I haven’t managed to do anything other than fire off a few quick test shots of boring targets...but I have used a few of those to start looking at callibrating the AF with the dock. I’ve only had about an hour at it so far (it’s a lengthy process), and only with a target at infinity, but the difference seems considerable.

Over the next few days (depending on availability of light and time), I’m intending to complete the process, and will post some before and after shots.
I'll be coming out of hibernation in the next few weeks, so will get my sh*t together..

How do you find this outfit? Have you taken it out?

I have bought the 150-600 C for my fiancee and while I have not yet photographed birds (or other wildlife with it) yet, I have extensively tested at a couple of recent airshows and found the lens excellent!!! I have both 1DMkIV and 1DxMkII bodies.

I think, personally, I'd be reluctant to use a TC (though I have the matching Sigma ones I use with my 500/4 DG OS HSM Sport lens).
I'll answer your question, if I may. I bought the 150-600 C about 6 weeks ago. So far I've been pleased. The only real negative has been that the lens is slow to focus if it is at full or near full zoom. The obvios solution is to locate the target without zoom and then zoom in. Another issue for me has been the use of teleconverters. I own a couple, a Tamron and a Kenko. I had expectd to use one of them with the new lens but Sigma doesn't recommend doing so. I will be experimenting with both TC to find out for myself whether either one works and gives autofocus with my lens.
I'll answer your question, if I may. I bought the 150-600 C about 6 weeks ago. So far I've been pleased. The only real negative has been that the lens is slow to focus if it is at full or near full zoom. The obvios solution is to locate the target without zoom and then zoom in. Another issue for me has been the use of teleconverters. I own a couple, a Tamron and a Kenko. I had expectd to use one of them with the new lens but Sigma doesn't recommend doing so. I will be experimenting with both TC to find out for myself whether either one works and gives autofocus with my lens.
Scroll up the page to post 859 for my experience with the 150-600 Sport and a Canon 1.4x mkIII on my EOS 7dII.

It doesn't like it.
I'll answer your question, if I may. I bought the 150-600 C about 6 weeks ago. So far I've been pleased. The only real negative has been that the lens is slow to focus if it is at full or near full zoom. The obvios solution is to locate the target without zoom and then zoom in. Another issue for me has been the use of teleconverters. I own a couple, a Tamron and a Kenko. I had expectd to use one of them with the new lens but Sigma doesn't recommend doing so. I will be experimenting with both TC to find out for myself whether either one works and gives autofocus with my lens.

I find it plenty fast for aircraft at least with my camera bodies. I suspect it will be relatively fast still for birds.
I would not even consider a TC for this particular lens.
I, however, used an EF 1.4x II with the EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM lens, but the Sigma 150-600mm gives a little more focal length without using a TC and with a gain of 2/3 of a stop of light. So it's a no brainer for me. I got rid of the Canon zoom.

With an APS-C body, you have a field of view equivalent of 960mm so it is pretty good for birds.
I have a Canon 100mm-400 which I have used with a Kenko 1.5 TC. It worked fine. What I had hoped for with the Sigma was to use it with the Kenko TC for getting shots of sea ducks. They are generally beyond the range of my Canon lens which is a zoom of 600 with the TC. The Sigma with the TC would give me 900. I haven't had achance to try this out yet but will at some point over the summer.
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