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New Vortex Razor (22-48/65) vs Old (16-48/65)? (1 Viewer)


New member
Can anyone comment on the differences? The "old" version is available for roughly $895, while the "new" version is $1200. What's odd to me is that the old version is 8 oz. lighter, has significantly closer focus, better eye-relief, and two-system focus, in addition to a longer zoom range. All of those seem like advantages. And, when I look at the descriptions of the basic optics,they appear identical. I must be missing something, but I can't see why the new version is better. I have not had hands on these scopes, so I am eager to hear from those who have. Thanks!
Vortex has moved production of their binos from Japan to China. I am guessing that the telescopes have gone the same way and that this 'new scope' is the nearest that the 'new' manufacturer had available. I might be way off course with that but its a reasonable guess.

I haven’t tried the new version but I have the old 65mm and use it with Swarovski eyepieces. The 25-50 Swarovski zoom comes up as lovely wide 20-40 and the Swarovski 30x Swarovski comes up at 24x with around the same fog as the zoom at 20x.
The Swarovski e/ps take the old vortex scopes to a new level but they don’t fit the new models.

I may have cherry items perhaps but I think they are a fantastic combination.
The optics of the new Razor are a completely different design from the old one; different objective lens, focusing method, prism type and eyepiece. The new one looks like one of the Kamakura clones also sold under the Kite, Zeiss, Maven and probably other brand names. The old one came with a very good copy of the Swarovski 20-60x zoom eyepiece, but was otherwise nothing special. To my knowledge the new one hasn't been closely examined yet to determine how it might differ in detail from its very similar Kamakura siblings.
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In my experience the quality of some older optics is superior and sometimes far superior to newly manufactured optics.

Many are seduced by 'New'.
Everything from soap powder upwards.
To me 'new' often means worse.

There may be small improvements in technology with optics, and obviously makers want us to update.

In the case of digital cameras there are indeed improvements with 'new', but how many A0 size prints does one want. Plain optics don't improve much and the quality often is not as good.

I am not referring to Vortex, just a general observation over the last few decades.
Was the older model made in Japan? Found a used one online for $750 but haven’t been impressed by Vortex’s Chinese models
Was the older model made in Japan? Found a used one online for $750 but haven’t been impressed by Vortex’s Chinese models
I think it was. I have one and love it but I don’t use the vortex e/ps. SwRovski ones fit and I have a Swarovski Astro adaptor and now use Baader Morpheus ones. Looking forward to trying other Astro e/ps as and when I get round to it.
I should Swarovski Astro adaptors are hard to find.
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