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Nikon 10 x 42 SE eyecups (1 Viewer)


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I own a pair of Nikon 10 x 42 SE binoculars that are in great shape – except for the eyecups, which have torn and cannot be used unless folded down. Unhappily, Nikon no longer has eyecup replacements in stock. I am writing to ask if anyone has a suggestion regarding replacing those eyecups. If anyone can offer help, I'd be truly grateful.


I own a pair of Nikon 10 x 42 SE binoculars that are in great shape – except for the eyecups, which have torn and cannot be used unless folded down. Unhappily, Nikon no longer has eyecup replacements in stock. I am writing to ask if anyone has a suggestion regarding replacing those eyecups. If anyone can offer help, I'd be truly grateful.


I guess you don't suffer from the dreaded SE image blackouts if you have the 10x SE. There are two easy solutions possible. You can also make your own eyecups like Tobias Mennle did.

The first thing is to repair the SE eyecups by gluing a small piece of rubber bicycle tire inner tube over the hole in the cups to seal them together. When the glue has hardened, turn the eyecups upside down. They fit upside down or right side up, but if the tear is at the top, the bottom will work, and unlike the top, the bottom of the SE eyecups doesn't flare out.

The second method is to buy Nikon E2 eyecups, which are still available and use those or use them to build new eyecups if they are too short. The E2 eyecups are shorter but are the same diameter as the SE's, and they fit the SE EP housing.

My 8x's eyecups were somewhat flared, which made it hard to see the entire FOV without digging them into the bridge of my nose, so I switched them for a pair of E2 eycups, and they worked. As long as I don't tilt the binoculars at an angle to my face but keep them parallel with my eyes, I don't get image blackouts.

Not sure if it will continue to work in all situations (following vultures and hawks is difficult to do without tilting), so I'm holding on to the SE eyecups, but you can buy E2 eyecups and see if they will work for you. If they are too short and you experience image blackouts, you can buy two pairs and cut the other to get the right height and glue the additional ring on top of it.

The first photo shows the SE eyecup on the left EP and the E2 eyecup on the right EP. The second photo shows the E2 eyecups on both SE EPs.

Here's a link to Tobias's homemade SE "eyecups."



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I’ve never removed the eyepieces from either of my SE’s, do they just screw off? So far mine are still in good shape, but that day will come I’m sure.
I’ve never removed the eyepieces from either of my SE’s, do they just screw off? So far mine are still in good shape, but that day will come I’m sure.
They peel off, just go slowly so they don't rip. Also if your SE's eyecups have flared due to putting pressure on them, you can turn them upside down and they will stay on. This will make the diamter smaller and more comfortable if they are too flared and the inner rubber ring also cuts down on EP glare.

Avron, the best bet would be to contact Nikon in the EU, as the US no longer provides them. The EII eye cups are too short, not made for the SE.
John, just treat the eyecups with some Armorall or (303 treatment for rubber) once a year. Let it soak overnight then wipe off access the next day.
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